Thursday, June 7, 2012

I met her

I met Kelle Hampton. She wrote Bloom. She also writes my favorite blog of all time, .
I knew she was coming into town on her way to Michigan. I have been reading her blog now for over 2 years. Her birth story of her daughter Nella made me obsessed with reading her blog and wanting to be inspired. Her story went viral and the rest as they say is history.
As I pulled into the parking lot of Barnes and Noble I saw him, Brett, her husband and their two little blond hair girls crossing the street. I got all excited as if I spotted Brad Pitt or some celebrity. They are not celebrities. They are a regular family but because I feel like I know them through Kelle's writing and pictures I wanted to roll down the window and yell "Hey Brett, Lainey and Nella, auntie Yola will be there in a second". No, I did not, but I did quickly park the car and walk fast, fast enough to catch up with them and stare at them like an idiot.
I made my way down the stairs of the huge Barnes and Noble and followed the crowd. I saw her, Kelle, standing there being introduced. She read a few pages from her book and opened the floor up for Q&A. There were fun questions and serious ones that left everyone crying. There were lots of babies with almond eyes that smiled at me.
Kelle's writing has given me so much perspective on life, motherhood, parenting and much more. I stood in line for about an hour to get her to sign my book. I wanted to tell her so much but when I went up there I froze and said "I love your blog and your writing". That's it.
I told her to keep sitting for our picture because she is thin an tall as hell and I would have looked like a whale next to her. She asked me how far along I was and we shared a giggle. I felt like a school girl talking to a boy a year older. I never get that way.
In my book she wrote "Yolanda, Look for the good...and you will find it".

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