Thursday, September 12, 2013


Blogger has been giving me nothing but problems lately with my posts. My frustration led to just giving up. That combined with a crazy work schedule and I totally put picture taking and memory treasuring on the back burner. It will be another crazy week before I feel like things may get back to semi-normal.
Helping a kindergartner with lower case letters, reading and manoeuvring his new friends and teachers has taken up some time. Oh yes a mobile little one doesn't help things either. 2 kids really does change things a hell of a lot more than going from zero to 1. It's a whole different ball game people. The house is never clean, laundry is never caught up, the mommy guilt is just insane. For example, Michael has been refusing to fall asleep at night without a full blown hour of crying and rocking, crying and rocking. Meanwhile my sweet 5 year old just watches episode after episode of Calliou. Not that he's complaining but I just feel guilty when I come out of the nursery and all I want to do is have a glass of wine and collapse. Which I can't because....
dishes need to be washed
clothes need to be laid out
laundry folded
folders checked for school
snack packed for school
papers signed
sight words practiced
dinners planned
kitchen cleaned up
Oh yeah that 5 year old continues to watch TV as I run around like a nut. Thank God he's into superhero stuff now and daddy is the expert. It's a rat race every evening. Now with the weather turning and it's getting darker I feel the walls caving in on us at 6:45 where I watch the clock and count down the minutes to giving them a bath.
So, with no new pictures to share I thought I would post some oldies but goodies. In the days of one child and 2 parents.
2008 Daniel
2009 Daniel
2010 Daniel
2011 Daniel
2012 Daniel
Michael, has so many less pictures! Sweet baby!
One crazy family

1 comment:

  1. All I can say Yola is I feel dizzy now. I don't know how you do it and was just thinking about the same the other day. You are doing a great job and are a wonderful mother. That is all that counts right now. Love you all.
    Aunt B
