Saturday, February 19, 2011

As I sit in front of my computer screen while listening to D talk to himself in his room, even though he should be sleeping I figured I would post.
I've been bad with blogging but honestly with all the sickness around this home, I just didn't have the time or had anything to write about besides germs.
A few random things on my mind today:

1. Why does my child turn into a bad boy when I'm around but both grandmas claim he's an absolute angel when I'm not there.
2. What is up with gas, food, clothes, etc. prices? How can a family pay bills and save with the crazy inflation going on?
3. Related to #2, I need to get going on purchasing our airline tickets to FL before prices go up. On our way to the ER with D on Monday, I sat in the back seat and about 10 minutes into the drive we both said, "we need to fly or we will kill each other trying to get there".
4. Why am I still listening to D talk instead of sleep? Doesn't he know how much I look forward to this time of day.
5. I should have ordered our new phone with an answering machine because people call and don't get the hint that no one is picking up after 8 rings.
6. I love the sun, today makes me feel so grateful that winter is almost over.
7. Why is it that about a year into your marriage people ask, "when is the baby coming?" The baby comes and as soon as the first one turns 2 it starts again with comments like "when is #2 coming?" Unless you're planning to pay for their college education, I'll let you know about #2. Stop asking.
8. I loved having breakfast with my boys today in our sun filled kitchen.
9. So glad I cleaned the 1st floor yesterday, the another story.
10. Goodness, I lead a boring life. I need a hobby.

It's quiet now, there is laundry that needs to be folded and a basement that needs major organization.
Have a great weekend!

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