Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another weekend update!

So, about our weekend...My in-laws were generous to share with us their time share at the Grand Geneva resort. It was awesome!! Honestly I think I enjoyed it more than the Dominican Republic. One reason was that it wasn't 120 degrees in the shade and two, we got to go wherever we wanted and people spoke English, always a plus.
We tried to keep Daniel occupied with various activities such as the pool, park and petting zoo. Daniel wasn't too crazy about the petting zoo at first but we went back and he was OK with the "ass" there the second time around. The second time we bought food and he was ready to repeat the duck incident again but I was quick this time and we only shared it with the animals.
He was mostly interested in the dog that laid on the grass doing nothing.
Not going to pet.
No animal contact. "Please don't touch me"
"I'm liking this fur ball"
Take 2 of the animal farm. Notice, much closer to the donkey.We enjoyed long walks on trails that were surrounded by huge homes owned by the rich and famous. I'm not sure who owns these monstrosities and how much it costs to up keep them but I would like to think these folks are famous. Walking around these homes made us realize that we both married into the wrong families.
Ryan made a comment saying "if we were to ever get divorced this is what you would end up with".
"And me with this". Gosh, he is smart!!!!
We ate like it was our last meal everyday and let me tell you, my behind, thighs and stomach are not happy with me. Oh well!

I also got burned when the weather on Monday hit 80. Let me set the scene; pasty white ME, a couple of drinks, FREE tanning oil, great service with delicious food, oh yeah a SLEEPING toddler in the stroller! All of that folks equals one burnt mama! It was so worth it.
On Tuesday we celebrated Ryan's 3X birthday. It was our last day there so we went out to breakfast in the morning at Egg Harbor where a wonderful waiter surprised Ry with a one of a kind cake.

Later we had dinner with my in laws at Popeyes (waterfront restaurant not the cheap chicken place).
It was nice to end the summer with a getaway. I do say end because I'm watching the news and they are showing temperatures in the 60s in August! Seriously....ridiculous. I feel cheated but who can I complain to about it?!

1 comment:

  1. That resort looks amazing -- so beautiful! D is adorable as usual, however, I think it's pretty obvious that he's in need of a canine sister or brother...maybe of a smaller variety! ;-)
