It was one craazzzzzzy weekend. I'm just coming up for air from the overdose of holiday cheer.
Great memories were made, sore backs have recovered and more parties have yet to be enjoyed.
Friday, we did something spontaneous, we got into my car around 7:30pm with hot popcorn and hot chocolate.

and drove to a lit town nearby.

It was cold as hell!!! Within 5 minutes we were freezing AND Mr. Prinklepants wanted to play at the playground that was frozen over.
He started to whine...

threats were made, we high tailed it outta there.

Warm in the car we drove around while listening to XMas music.

You know it was a fun night when the passenger in the back passed out from all the fun.

40lbs of pure love carried up the stairs to bed can do a number on anyone's back.

The next morning was breakfast with Santa.

followed by a birthday party for D and daddy and volunteer work for me. I volunteered to help clean up for 2.5 hours after breakfast with Santa. I was dying afterwards. You don't appreciate all the details during the breakfast until you have to take down 5 trees, each one filled with ornaments, put away fake "presents" that pile up to the ceiling in the church's musty basement, organize all the centerpieces used for the tables, make sure the rented chairs get folded and don't get confused with the church's chairs that practically look the same. I worked with great moms that I got to meet and laugh with. I also scored some left over donuts and a bottle of maple syrup. My sore body enjoyed the extra sugar. And when I heard "you were such a great help, make sure you sign up next year" it made me realize that busting my butt was recognized and appreciated.
D and daddy had a great time at the birthday party and I appreciated that he ran around like a nut because nap time was easy. Not for me, of course. D and daddy slept while I ran errands.
Sunday, was another busy day. It was time for the Polar Express at 9:00am!

We sang carols, met another Santa, ate cookies and drank juice. It was great time spent with family. I was on my last ounce of energy by the end.

We enjoyed lunch at the Choo Choo Diner. By the time we got home I collapsed with Daniel and slept like a baby for 2 hours! I felt semi normal when we woke up at 5pm.
2 Santas, a birthday party, a train ride, some lights...all in a weekend. Nothing like December!
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