Sunday, March 17, 2013

Join in the craze, 4 months and 5 years old

Our weekend as usual was full of exhausting errands, house chores and sprinkled in with a little bit of fun.
Friday, D started swimming lessons again. He only swallowed water a couple of times according to Ry. I stayed back home to hold down the fort with the little hell raiser.
We switched Michael's formula and it backfired, literally, his butt fired out poop for 3 days straight. He was so miserable Friday that I gave him the old formula again to not cause him any more discomfort. Saturday, both boys had their checkups. Daniel had a 5 year old check and Michael his delayed 4 month check.
Daniel went first and was pronounced healthy and perfect.
His stats:
Weight: 44.5lbs (75%) Height:43" (50%)
After getting embarrassed when the Dr. pulled down his undies he got 3 shots. He didn't even whimper, brave boy. With a filled out 'Certificate of Child Health Examination' for kindergarten he was off the hook and rewarded with a lollipop.
Next, our more complex offspring, the one that keeps us guessing daily about his ailments and demeanor.
Medically he is fine. His stats:  Weight: 14lbs 10.5 oz (40%) Height: 24 3/4" (50%)
After the basics, the next 15 minutes we discussed his gas issues, irritability, annoying eating habits, fussiness, etc. During his exam Michael showed his personality. The Dr. agreed he has a "temper" and is "spicy".
The best the Dr. could say was "he will outgrow this, right now it's all trial and error" and "nothing will happen to a baby if you let them cry it out". Well, she needs to speak to my mom because according to my mom God forbid he cry more than a minute because he may get a hernia.
I asked, NO he can't. The Dr. said to put him down and go take a shower. She admitted she let her own girls cry for up to 2 hours. I can't do that for sure but the next day you bet your butt he was left alone more to fidget and figure things out on his own.
We discussed formulas and what would be the best thing for him, I presented her the print out of an organic formula I found on line that got rave reviews. All to which she said "sure you can try it, but nothing is guaranteed". We were also told she herself has 4 daughters, 2 of which were also hell raisers. It's pretty much a gamble of what type of child you will get. We rolled the dice on this one and his middle name is Mr. Cranky pants. All the nurses know him there, more so because of his red hair than his Irish temper (probably has 10% or less of actual Irish genes in him). The sweet nurses there just feel pure pity for me, they gave me a can of new formula to try. Along with that we increased his reflux meds and were told to try some oatmeal to help bind the milk.
Oh we did... 
He LOVED it!
Technology at its best. Tummy time and some iPad entertainment.
 Today we got the hell out of the house so D could burn some energy at a local play place.
Before we left I bribed him with the place for some pictures.
Polish boys, but I allowed some St. Patrick's Day green. Purchased by grandma, who is also not Irish. Everyone is on March 17th.
It takes a real man to be burping a crying screaming baby and rubbing his "cat" next to him at the same time, all while starving and waiting for dinner to be made.

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