Friday, July 6, 2012

2nd time around

The second pregnancy is definitely different. It's as much exciting but I have realized half the stuff that I had with Daniel are just a Marketing ploy to make you think you need it. In reality babies don't need so much crap. Don't get me wrong, I loved the swing, bouncer, playmat and little toys to keep him occupied when I tried to get a glass washed, but the whole nursery decorating ordeal is much simpler in my head now than the pressure I felt with Daniel's nursery. I agonized over the crib bedding (which by the way I couldn't use the quilt to cover him because of suffication so it hung on the rocking chair, the bumper, that is also not recommended that I took off because when I tried to check on him to see if he was sleeping by peeking in I couldn't see him) so overall the bedding was just there. It made cute pictures before he arrived though. :)
I put together of a few things I'll be doing differently this time around:

1. Prepare favorite and COMFY outfits and skip the frilly stuff, like jeans for a newborn, really? Have you seen their poor tummy and the imprint of elastic on that sweet skin. It should be outlawed. One piece outfits are the way to go.
2. Now that our bedroom is bigger I will be getting a bassinet because poor baby D was in a stroller next to me. We couldn't fit a bassinet in our tight bedroom. One more thing I'll be selling at our garage sale.
3. Nursery themes, where do I even begin. Daniel's was baseball themed and the child looks at a bat and ball like cryptonite. You have no idea what your child's interests will be in a few years and all the accessories will have to be replaced. We're going the simple route. Since the nursery is Daniel's current playroom we're keeping the car theme in there. We'll paint and add a couple of details I have in mind such as these decals , add curtains, buy a crib and rug and call it a day.
4. The convertible crib we got Daniel is gorgeous but once we converted it into a full bed, I have side railings in the basement and pull out drawer taking up space. We wondered if we should convert it back to a crib and get Daniel a new bed BUT both Ryan and I are sentimental suckers and Daniel's little teeth marks on his footboard just cannot be shared. We're opting to go with a much cheaper crib that can be sold and a new bedroom set will be purchased once the transfer to a big boy bed happens and then a new theme will be created.
5. I had a gazilion bottles for him and kept using the same 2 or 3. The best ones were the Playtex drop ins. I know all babies are different but hopefully this little one will like what his brother did. Less washing and smelly bottles to deal with.
6. Buy a gazillion pacifiers and keep them in every room!
7. Don't stress over everything being done by the time baby arrives, they don't care. I know this one will be a hard one for me although surviving the kitchen remodel may force me not to care as much.
8. Take time for myself and not jump at every movement the baby makes and maybe even maybe take a shower and put some makeup on BEFORE I start researching what the baby should be doing on his 8th day of life. HA!
9. Accept the help and ask for food if offered. I don't have to be a super mom. Speaking of food, don't forget to eat and drink lots of water.
10. Remember that the beginning may be rough but it's all temporary. Enjoy both boys during the holidays and take things in stride.

And there are articles like this that make me slap myself for giving into the hoopla that others try to instill on me by force, making me feel guilty if my kid doesn't have EVERYTHING.

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