We took a couple before the professional shot because mommy can never make this sweetheart look bad. HA!
I have prayed over this for the last several weeks and today I landed at the Family Christian store to pick up a couple of books that I have heard rave reviews about.
both books by Dr. James Dobson. These two books promise to guide me to raise my son properly. I started reading the Parenting Collection first because it has a section on a strong willed child and if you look that up in the dictionary, Daniel's picture will be right there. So far I have learned a few common sense rules. Get your notebooks out parents AND grandparents.
1. The best opportunity to communicate often occurs after a disciplinary event - Dr. D thinks that after spanking a child when they are most emotional you should sit with them and explain to them what they did wrong and why you did what you did-Done!
2. Control without nagging (it is possible) -Work needed here.
3. Don't saturate the child with materialism-Done on my part (most of the time), work needed from others in the family.
4. Establish a balance between love and discipline-Some work needed.
We're ready for the weekend. We're hoping to spend quality time as husband and wife while Ry's parents take D to have a good time.
Have a good one!
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