Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weeknd Recap

The blog has not been my top priority at all. I have to force myself to update it tonight as I feel it needs a bit more pics of this family besides the bathroom. Which by the way, is 95% complete, but if you know me you know I won't post pics that are not 100% done. The shower curtain came in and I love it. All we have left is the grout on the mosaic tile and sconces. That's it!!!
OK, so Saturday we had a birthday party for a sweet little 3 year old princess. The theme was royal so I had to think of something to put on D as stores really don't cater to prince outfits.
I slaved over a hot iron in our basement to create this masterpiece, HA!
It says PRINCE! Unique, heck no, but it said what it needed to say. Glad I didn't go over board since the other boys' moms obviously couldn't find outfits either. Since we arrived 45 minutes late because the navigation on my phone obviously can't distinguish between Lincolnway and Lincoln Ave that are about 10 miles apart, we made it just in time to have a slice of pizza and then some cake.
My girlfriend made the cake herself, it was tasty.
We came home exhausted, I had to pick up the mirror for the bathroom on my way home. The mosaic went up. We finally cleaned up the hallway clutter, I'm still cleaning the floors. Swiffer sure is handy for cleaning the dust off of walls.
Sunday, we went to church for Palm Sunday, I got D dressed up and was going to take a picture but by the time we got home we had a full melt down on our hands, I forget what the reason was, probably not going outside, or closing the door for him, or taking his shoes off before he got to do it himself. The choices are limited but the screaming and tantrums come in variety of flavors.
A little nap later had him feeling better so we ventured outside, but dinner time had to come sometime and another tantrum followed.
After dinner we retreated to D's new organized playroom that I slaved over on Friday night. He needed more floor space, he lays down on the floor to play with his cars so some things had to go.
I was able to put a lot of things into a storage bin. Family room is next and I'm excited!
Here is our attempt to take a family photo with our auto timer.
Yes! Blurry but better
Have a great Monday everyone!

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