Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our weekend was busy, but oh, so very festive. I love Easter, it's one of my favorite holidays. It's the start of spring and represents so much for our faith. I love that we continue to celebrate our traditions on Saturday, with blessing the Easter baskets. It's not about the presents in them, but about blessing the food that we should be so thankful for everyday.
Saturday, we first went to visit the Bugs. He did great while we waited in line.
When it was time to sit on his lap, D was not thrilled about it. So, we sat down to take a family picture but that looked horrible since he was still crying. With some encouragement from mommy and daddy and a car to keep him company he sat down. I believe I told the girl 5 times "try one last time". Ry was rolling his eyes but it was worth it. A frame worthy picture to add to our collection of 3 years worth of photos.
One meltdown later (about not clipping his seat belt by himself ) with chicken nuggets and fries in his basket we went to bless our food. We met my mom there and ran into Daniel's friend, Kevin.
Not sure where Daniel's basket went in these pics but he had lots of goodies to bless.
We came home and D went down for a nap. Then, it was time to get ourselves ready for a BIG celebration for our Aunt Bonnie's First Communion/Confirmation ceremony.
Mr. D had to be woken up from his nap early.
We had great food and wonderful company at a nice restaurant before we headed over to church for a 2.5 hour service.
We never thought our peanut would make it through because service started at 7pm but he did sooooo good. We visited Jesus's "grave" and explained to him he was sleeping but when the lights came on and celebratory music was playing we told him that Jesus woke up and went to heaven because he loved him so much. He wanted to go back to the "grave" and kept saying "where is Jesus?" and "Jesus wake up". So sweet, I wasn't prepared to come up with anything better. I need to research before next year on what the best response is for a kid that age.
Sunday, we headed over to my sister's for brunch.
We walked down to her house (a whole 2 houses away) and this is what Daniel decided to style while he pedaled over on his tricycle.
First time he let us put shades on him and he loved them.
As food was being prepared, the cousins got down to playing.
My mom made turkey, I made ham and my sister made what looked like another 20lbs of food. It was ridiculous. Within an hour we were all in a food coma. We watched the Little Faulkers as D snoozed. We didn't even have dinner when we got home, we were so stuffed. I just felt sick from eating so much. No self control!
We hope you had a blessed day today as we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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