Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend in pics

This long weekend began with a girls night out for mama. Friday night I went out for a drink and appetizers with two great friends. Afterwards, I was excited to see Sex and the City and was very disappointed in many ways. The plot, the character lines, and about everything else was just a mess. HA!
Saturday we had our final walk through of our new home. Besides the work starring us in the face on the inside of the house we really don't have much to do in the back yard.
The perfect tree for a tire swing
There is plenty of room for a veggie garden. I can't wait to sit in the back yard and one day watch D try to catch lighting bugs or giggle in a tent on his first night camping out. I can't wait to hear Ry teach D how to "watch the ball" as he pitches D a baseball. I may have seen him practice this in a perfect spot. :)
As our last weekend of freedom loomed upon us we wanted to take advantage of the great weather we were having.
Saturday afternoon we went to a BBQ at my cousin's where D enjoyed his first slip and slide. I didn't get a chance to change him before he went wild.
We enjoyed family, friends and tons of food. D had a sour apple ice cream that left him looking like Hulk for the rest of the night. Did you notice something? Yes, I got bangs! I think I like it, I think.
Sunday morning we felt wild and went to a local forest preserve, where we walked 5 miles...with frequent stops.
D met a new friend
and enjoyed the scenery.He cooled off by splashing himself in his own private stroller pool
and washed his car in it as well.
Monday as Ry moaned from his sunburn we went to Home Depot to get supplies for the next few weeks of painting. Ry got a new tool box that D helped him organize and we packed the car with things to drop off at the new house after our closing.
We are ready for this new adventure and I can't wait to take before and after shots.
The plan for this week: electrical update, start priming trim, peeling wallpaper, ripping off 70s paneling, the list goes on and on.
I will try to blog as much as possible but it may be hard to type if my fingers are numb from work! HA!

1 comment:

  1. Your back yard is like the Botanical gardens! Keep up the hard work. Soon, you'll be walking around in awe at all you accomplished. Congrats on the new pad!
