Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Instead of packing, which is what I should be doing as we need to be out of this house in 3 weeks, I spend my evenings doing more important things, like hanging out with the cutest little man around.
He's been waking up during the night and wanting to sleep in our bed since he got used to that when he was sick, so I've been exhausted, but when I get home I can't help but put on some good music and just hang out.
I've been bringing boxes from work to start packing but they are just piling up in the garage. We haven't found a house so we are searching for a decent temporary rental in hopes that our dream home out there is just waiting for us. I've been praying for that and have faith that by being patient I will be rewarded with a great house.
Tonight I spent a quiet evening with this little guy while daddy is away on business.
Playing in the family room with his helicopter.
Dancing it up in the kitchen.
I hope this little guy doesn't find the transition too hard!

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