Sunday, November 8, 2009

Looooong post/Weekend recap

Yesterday D and I went to my sister's because the day before I forgot my cell phone. D had a great time with his cousins but mostly with the dog!
Here he is with his cousin Lexi.
A family photo
Here he is running after Kuba. Daniel walked him on his leash but I left the camera in the car and by the time I got it he didn't want to hold the leash. It was hilarious and he was laughing so hard until the dog yanked on the leash and D fell.
Playing some ball with cousin Chris.
Family fun
Mommy trying to pose D for a cute fall pic, D wasn't interested.
"Wait you go in the bushes AND lift your leg up?" Hmmmm. Actually Daniel did go on the potty for the first time on Saturday. He went pee pee!!!! I don't think he gets it at all but the fact that he sat on his potty for more than 10 seconds is a first. We'll take it.
"Me and my best friend"
Saturday we went to D's morning class. He was BAD! He didn't want to share.
He threw a fit during circle time!And wanted to do his own thing. He had another boy join him. Leaders not followers, I guess.
He wanted nothing to do with craft time. Daddy had to do it for him. It was just down right embarrassing! Until it was open gym time and he went wild.

After all that fun, I finally packed a few boxes and took them over to my mom's. These are boxes with my China in them. I took all the pics off the walls and the house is looking emptier.
We went to look at a few rentals yesterday and all I have to say to anyone that is trying to flip a house is "PUT IN A TUB IN AT LEAST ONE BATHROOM!!". 2 rentals did not have a tub in them. 2 full bathrooms and not one tub! How am I supposed to give a toddler a bath?! One rental that we thought was a done deal last week just went under contract. This adds to the stress we're already under BUT it will work out, we just know it. If my in-laws are reading this they will start to worry about it all so I'm sure I will get a call from them. I'm right aren't I mom and dad? They have lived in the same house for 30 years so moving to them is more traumatic than to me as I have moved multiple times. We love you guys but once again WE'LL BE FINE!!! :)
Speaking of great in-laws how cute is the little Halloween house that my MIL made with D last week! He keeps trying to take the pretzels off the roof! Great job you two!

1 comment:

  1. Yola, just catching up with you. Good luck with the rental search. I know one will have everything you need...including a tub. How adorable is your little Yoda? I'm sure he's just as wise, too. :)
