Sunday, November 28, 2010

Take 2

We returned the problematic tree and got ourselves the one I was eyeing for 3 weeks but was more than I wanted to spend. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Here is our beauty with our cutie.
MAC is also posing (on the floor next to D's left foot).
The boys convinced me to get a multi-colored tree and I couldn't agree more once it was up. D didn't hesitate pointing to the colored one when given a choice. Ry picked it because it reminded him of his childhood (me too!) and well, because D picked it as well.
Our Dickens Village is causing many time outs but hopefully the newness of it will wear out soon because we are worn out from using the word "No".
Now for the gift shopping...

1 comment:

  1. Your new tree is beautiful! I'm glad you were able to find one, especially one that won't burst into flames!
