Monday, October 4, 2010

Farewell and Hello

This weekend started with lots of tears, hugs and goodbyes as we bid farewell to our wonderful sitter on Friday. We had to make this difficult decision a while back but with my great procrastinating skills Daniel started school today. The entire day was filled with reminiscing our 2 and a half years together. Our time with her was filled with joy, many tears, worries, prayers and lots of hugs and that's just me and her!
Over the weekend we also visited the pumpkin farm. D had a great time even though it was windy and cold, we made the best of it.
D loved the pig races.
All weekend we were preparing him for "school", getting him excited about his "teachers" and other "kids". He kept repeating "listen teacher, mommy, daddy go bye bye". Sweet little man didn't know what hit him. He decided to sleep in on the day we needed to be up, it was OK I had things covered. His oatmeal was in the fridge soaking to be creamy for him in the morning. We enjoyed some breakfast together just like we do on the weekends.
With his bag packed we were off to school.
Proud mama.
Proud daddy.
We arrived in school and right away he went with Ms. Carol to wash his hands leaving us behind without a care in the world.
Ry and I looked over the bulletin board. It was all overwhelming. D just went on to play and ignored us.
D pimping his personalized coat hook.
He was fine and THEN it was time for us to leave and the tears started for all 3 of us. He was saying "mommy, daddy bye bye" in the most pathetic voice EVER. Later we found out that lasted 2 minutes and he did great. His nap was short and he only picked at his lunch but overall he did great. Wednesday and Friday will be the true test. He came home today exhausted from the entire day. He had some home made chicken soup and we enjoyed the beautiful leaves changing on our trees. It was a long but memorable day.
My baby is growing up and things are changing just like the leaves on our trees.

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