Thursday, December 27, 2012

2 months!

Michael, you are 2 months old!
What have you been up to?

You are about 11lbs, (stats from hospital but you were a bit constipated). Our appt is next week.
You are wearing size 1 diaper and clothes mostly 3 month or 3-6.
You had your first hospital stay and your first bad cold. (RSV)
You are very unpredictable with your sleep, eating, pooping, etc.
You are smiling like crazy. Your first smile happened on December 8th while starring at daddy.
You are starting to coo. We hope you'll be a faster talker than your brother. :)
You love being held upright so you can look around. You would love it if someone carried you around on their shoulder so you can move that little head of yours and get a look at the world around you. My back is in bad shape already.
When you cry, you scream. You have a good set of lungs.
You have certain positions that you fall asleep in. You already love your raggie (cloth diaper). We'll be buying them in bulk like we did for your brother. He went to preschool with his, had his name on it and everything. It was grey in the end.
You are starting to stare at your brother, we know you two will be great friends in just a few months.
You are kicking your legs and moving your arms like crazy.
You have gorgeous blue eyes with the longest lashes.
You still have reddish brown hair.
You are still sleeping in our room in your little sleeper. I can see transitioning you to your room soon but not yet.
You are very different than your brother. You make me work hard.
We love you like crazy our lil' peanut.
 You and your brother still look a lot alike. This is his 2 month photo.

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