Friday, September 3, 2010

Time stood still

Life is different with a toddler in the house, there is always noise, things being thrown, crumbs on the floor and so much life, this morning I was tested on just how unpredictable these little beings are.
I noticed the garbage overflowing in the kitchen (a friendly reminder to the hubby the night before must have escaped him this morning) so I took the garbage and recyclables to the bins right in front of our garage door. I walked out of the front door and D was right by me. I didn't hear the door open behind me or anything. As I threw the bags in the bins, I noticed the darn garage door didn't close after Ry left (we've been having issues with the sensor, the door thinks something is there and when you try to close the door it stops and comes back up) so I walked into the garage and closed the door. I walked into the house through the garage. It was quiet, D was not running to me like he usually does. I didn't hear cars crashing, and I got nervous. I called for him and nothing. I ran in front of the house and he wasn't there. I ran upstairs, downstairs and called his name and nothing. I panicked and started screaming his name...nothing. I started screaming and crying while calling his name, what seemed like an eternity there was silence. Finally after screaming for a good 5-7 seconds I heard moans and 'mama'. It sounded faint like it was outside. I ran downstairs and saw him standing on our patio in his socks and his face looked scared. He lips pouted and he started crying.
My heart sank. I was angry at myself, mad at him for leaving the house but most of all relieved. If you know me you know that I go to the worst case scenario in a second. I saw 2 trucks outside by our neighbors and my mind was going wild. D loves trucks did he run over there to check them out? Did he try to walk to my sister's house down the street? He was telling me "mama's car and D's car" (while crying) which meant he went looking for his red car. I think the lesson was learned as he's been saying "no D outside, Mama, Dada, Papa, Grandma, Bunia go", which came after I told him he cannot go outside by himself except with someone else, and continued to list the people he can go outside with.

And that's my Friday morning story.

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