Sunday, September 19, 2010

Catch up!

We've been busy lately with nothing exciting happening except the regular errands and LIFE! I took a break from blogging as I didn't even feel like taking any pictures, let's be honest pictures make every post more interesting.
Last weekend we ventured out to both grandparents to celebrate Grandparent's Day! I think I'm the only one that still gets sucked into this holiday as neither Grandpa had a clue it was a holiday. One grandma (you know which one you are) had it on her calendar (bad move on my part because that was my personalized X-Mas gift to her. Note to self next year's calendar might have that holiday removed.) It was a nice time and D made out like a bandit with more gifts than he brought in. (Note to self: continue to include this holiday on personalized calendars for G-parents, for selfish reasons.)
Going for a surprise visit.
He got a cool car toy and this sharp hat.
Last week D also started his class with grandma, I went to the first class too and witnessed first hand how ready he is for day care.
He complained this blender did not have batteries and kept demanding it needed "batteries".
The winner of the day was this chair. He called it his "Blue's Clues Chair" and was obsessed with it. So obsessed, that when it came to reading time, he wanted nothing to do with it and I had to hold him down to listen. Once that was over he was great.
We need to get him a train set for X-Mas. He loved it.
He went up to the other boys and said "My name is D" and shook their hand.
In the mean time out of all the projects I had to get done this weekend this is the only thing that got my attention.
Don't let your eyes fool you this is NOT just white, it's a very country French light ocean breeze. It needed a new look.
Yesterday, we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We had grand plans to go to the Art Museum but with the pouring rain I didn't feel like just going to the museum without enjoying anything else outside. So we ran errands sporting D's rain coat.
We went to the mall to get some fall clothes. D made out with some cute stuff including 2 CARS pajamas, CARS cup and a Lighting McQueen car from the Disney store. He was a happy boy. Ry and I went to our favorite restaurant later that evening, Ruth's Chris. The best steaks EVER. Both Ry and I did not feel good but we devoured our food including their new cheesecake. To die for.
This morning I woke up miserable. I was so congested, coughing, sneezing like a crazy person. Ry wasn't feeling well either. I had such great plans for today, including cleaning the basement and hanging up some wall art. All failed after we went to church and food shopping, when we got home D had a melt down and so did I. I threw a bunch of ingredients into the slow cooker to make my first chili of the season. I was done. I went to bed and stuck tissues in my nostrils so that my nose could run as I slept. It was awful. I still feel pretty crappy but some Benadryl is making me feel a bit better. It might be allergies, it might be a cold, who knows but I want is gone.
Daddy and D helped to clean the family room up so I wouldn't have a heart attack with no cleaning being done at all.
Thanks boys!
This was my view laying down from the couch.
I hope this goes away quickly. I don't make a good patient and I'm sure my hubby is getting tired of making me his perfect cup of tea every 2 hours.

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