Last weekend we ventured out to both grandparents to celebrate Grandparent's Day! I think I'm the only one that still gets sucked into this holiday as neither Grandpa had a clue it was a holiday. One grandma (you know which one you are) had it on her calendar (bad move on my part because that was my personalized X-Mas gift to her. Note to self next year's calendar might have that holiday removed.) It was a nice time and D made out like a bandit with more gifts than he brought in. (Note to self: continue to include this holiday on personalized calendars for G-parents, for selfish reasons.)
Going for a surprise visit.
He complained this blender did not have batteries and kept demanding it needed "batteries".
Yesterday, we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. We had grand plans to go to the Art Museum but with the pouring rain I didn't feel like just going to the museum without enjoying anything else outside. So we ran errands sporting D's rain coat.
This morning I woke up miserable. I was so congested, coughing, sneezing like a crazy person. Ry wasn't feeling well either. I had such great plans for today, including cleaning the basement and hanging up some wall art. All failed after we went to church and food shopping, when we got home D had a melt down and so did I. I threw a bunch of ingredients into the slow cooker to make my first chili of the season. I was done. I went to bed and stuck tissues in my nostrils so that my nose could run as I slept. It was awful. I still feel pretty crappy but some Benadryl is making me feel a bit better. It might be allergies, it might be a cold, who knows but I want is gone.
Daddy and D helped to clean the family room up so I wouldn't have a heart attack with no cleaning being done at all.
This was my view laying down from the couch.
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