Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July weekend

A long weekend has ended and we have new memories of this holiday in our new home. We started off the weekend with blowing some bubbles in our driveway.
We continued with some tricycle fun in the driveway.
After working our butts off on Saturday putting up doors (that we somehow forgot to mark from which room they were!), grouting our new tile downstairs and spending over an hour at our local Home Depot picking up things we did not end up needing we decided we would do NOTHING on the house on Sunday and Monday.
We headed out to the pool but because our timing was off with D's nap, Mr. Cranky was not himself and wanted nothing to do with the water. He was clinging to daddy the entire time. We cut the trip short as clouds rolled in and it started to rain. We walked home in the rain and that will be something I will never forget.
A good Popsicle made him feel better
When the clouds cleared we headed to the park but of course as we were enjoying some swinging time the clouds rolled in again and this time it didn't just rain it poured. As we raced towards the house mama realized how out of shape she was. We got home and D just said "more" as he was laughing the entire run back home comfy in his stroller as the rain washed his little piggies.
We didn't see the fireworks as Ry and I both decided 9:30pm for fireworks would have us going nuts with a sleepy baby who was getting bit by mosquitos.
Today we relaxed and went for a BBQ at my sister's. It took us an entire 3 minutes to walk there. We celebrated my nephew's 10th birthday with some delicious ice cream cake that D waited so patiently for salivating.
After that we enjoyed sitting on a blanket in the backyard as the guys played "bags" and D ran around with the dog.
Hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

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