Michael you are 11 months old! Time flies.
This month you are moving like crazy. You are crawling all over the place. You are now climbing stairs. The walker is used as a weapon on everyone's ankles when you are in it. You are pulling up on everything. You also do the downward dog pose recently. No words yet except lots of babbling. You point to certain things.
You are a happy baby but a horrible teether. Naps have been a nightmare. You nap for like 40 minutes twice a day and still fight bed time. It's been exhausting. You are happy or cranky in 10 seconds flat. You love cuddles though and lots of attention. You squeal when you see your brother. No Dr. appts so we don't know how much you weight or how tall you are until you turn 1.
You love going outside, and to the park to go on the swings. You point to the window and wave bye bye to let us know you are ready to hit the road. As soon as we put your shoes on you are calm as a cucumber but we can't take longer than 5 minutes to get out of the house or you start to let us know your annoyance. I don't know where you get your impatience. ;)
Your favorite toy is the same as your brother's was, the school bus. You love opening and closing the doors of it and finding the bus driver.
You bounce up and down when there is music playing and love dancing.
Only one more month till your 1st birthday baby boy! No, I haven't started one darn thing.
Mommy also forgot to take your picture yesterday as you were a stinker all day so your pajamas will have to do.
Every time I pointed the camera he would smile. He needs his bangs cut but I'm in total denial and can't even think about it right now.
Daniel at 11 months! |