Monday, February 22, 2010

Weekend Recap

Here is a quick recap of our weekend. Get ready for some exciting reading material.

  • Waited 3.5 hours at the new rental for the Nicor guy to come and turn heat on. R and I took turns bringing boxes from the old rental as we waited.
  • Once the heat was on R and I stood by a vent with our hands on it smiling at the warm air coming out. It was pathetic but our experience has taught us to be thankful for things we took for granted before.
  • Drove behind R to his parents and informed him that he had one break light working.
  • Came home and noticed Daniel was warm and running a fever of 101.
  • Woke up to a baby with a 101.1 fever. Took D to urgent care. Left with ear drops, antibiotics and directions on how to clean out the wax build up in his ear. I clean his ears all the time but I think I may have been pushing the wax in too far and it has become compacted in there. :(
  • R and I took a few trips between the rentals to unpack.
  • Took in-laws out to dinner after showing them our new temporary place. We had a great time.
  • Came home right when it started to snow pretty bad.
That's our boring weekend in a nut shell. I know, how the mighty have fallen. Ha Ha!

Living with my in-laws has been great but I'm also going bonkers.
Why you ask?
Since the three of us sleep in one bed it takes D about an hour to truly fall asleep. During that hour he tosses and turns, plays with my hair, lays on top of my head, pokes me in the eye, kicks me and then when he has had enough he falls asleep with his fingers tangled in my hair.
I won't miss that.
When D finally falls asleep, usually major snoring begins from the other side of the bed! I emerge from the bedroom looking like lighting hit me TWICE. My evening then starts.... snacking on junk food and drinking a glass of wine or two. What a life.
I'm dreading starting a routine again but also I'm looking forward to that hour of getting stuff done.
If you have noticed less pics on my posts, you're right, I've been crazy lazy about it. But let's be honest you come here to read about my days and not look at pictures, right?! I'll be better about it soon. I was able to get one shot of myself yesterday....
I gotta use those gift certificates to the spa soon.

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