Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Happy 6 and 66
Michael, today you are 6 months old, 1/2 a year old!!!
Time is just flying by.
This month you have been busy teething. One tooth has come through, the other is making you cranky.
You have started solids this month. You eat oatmeal with fruit in the morning, veggies for lunch and more veggies for dinner. So far there is nothing you don't like, although some things make you more constipated than others. You are getting so much fun. You love when everyone sings to you, you love books with sounds in them. You put everything in your mouth that you can but you love your fingers the most. You suck on everything, you gave Grandma a hickey on her hand. :)
You love to be on your changing table, you talk up a storm there.
You still wear size 2 diapers but I think that's the last jumbo box I'll buy for you.
You wear size 6-9 month clothes
You adore your brother and I don't think that will change for a long time.
You have finally ventured outside for walks in this weather that we are having and you love it. You fall asleep every time. Your naps pretty much suck. You're famous for your quick 30 minute cat naps. You go to sleep around 7:30-8:00 and sleep till about 4:30-5am. You are still in our room next to mommy but my goal this month is to put you in your crib. We noticed this week you don't like to be rocked to sleep as much anymore. You prefer to be laid down in your crib and left alone. I think that's a sign that you want a little bit more of your space, which is fine with us. :)
Happy 6 month birthday baby boy! Mommy and daddy love you so much!

Grandma celebrates her 66th birthday today as well. She watches you twice a week and performs all the best nursery rhymes, songs a boy could ever want. I have heard rumors of various dance performances that you have fallen asleep to, she's still go it.
Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!
Happy Weekend everyone!
Time is just flying by.
This month you have been busy teething. One tooth has come through, the other is making you cranky.
You have started solids this month. You eat oatmeal with fruit in the morning, veggies for lunch and more veggies for dinner. So far there is nothing you don't like, although some things make you more constipated than others. You are getting so much fun. You love when everyone sings to you, you love books with sounds in them. You put everything in your mouth that you can but you love your fingers the most. You suck on everything, you gave Grandma a hickey on her hand. :)
You love to be on your changing table, you talk up a storm there.
You still wear size 2 diapers but I think that's the last jumbo box I'll buy for you.
You wear size 6-9 month clothes
You adore your brother and I don't think that will change for a long time.
You have finally ventured outside for walks in this weather that we are having and you love it. You fall asleep every time. Your naps pretty much suck. You're famous for your quick 30 minute cat naps. You go to sleep around 7:30-8:00 and sleep till about 4:30-5am. You are still in our room next to mommy but my goal this month is to put you in your crib. We noticed this week you don't like to be rocked to sleep as much anymore. You prefer to be laid down in your crib and left alone. I think that's a sign that you want a little bit more of your space, which is fine with us. :)
Happy 6 month birthday baby boy! Mommy and daddy love you so much!
Grandma celebrates her 66th birthday today as well. She watches you twice a week and performs all the best nursery rhymes, songs a boy could ever want. I have heard rumors of various dance performances that you have fallen asleep to, she's still go it.
Happy Birthday Grandma! We love you!
Happy Weekend everyone!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Wednesday Funny
I just read this and though it was Hilarious.
You have to plan a party a few times before you realize the below.
1. The Cost. I’d love to have the party in our backyard and save like a bazillion gajillion dollars, but A. You know if I do it’s going to tornado and hail and rain nuclear ash that day and B. My kid’s like 200% dead set on one of those bouncy house places. Are you f’ing kidding me?! Once we were at a bouncy house place and this kid must have had too much cake or caught Ebola there or something because he threw up in one of the bouncy houses and all the kids kept bouncing because no one noticed it was filled with vomit until it was all over the kids. Let’s just say I bleached and loofa’ed my kid until she had no more skin left. And now I kinda sorta have a thing against bouncy house places.
2. The goody bag. I just entertained and fed your little jackass for two hours, and now I’m supposed to send him home with a parting gift too? Some people call them goody bags. Some people call them party favors. I call them cheap plastic crapola from China that cause cancer and have parts that fall off and choke babies to death. Hmmm, yes, let’s waste more money on stuff that kills our kids and helps China. Brilliant.
3. The kids. Holy shit, we have to invite HOW MANY people to this birthday party?! Are we planning a wedding here? I mean, she’s four. For starters there’s this new rule that we have to invite every single kid in her class so we won’t hurt any feelings. What?!! They’re four. They’re not talking about what they did on the weekend. All they ever say these days is doodie and poo poo and toot. Besides, what ever happened to the whole damn totem pole of popularity and not everyone gets invited to everything? It’s like how they give a stupid trophy to every kid who participates these days. Remember the good ole days when kids could be like, “Nahhh, you’re not invited because you wear your underwear on the outside of your pants and save your boogers on your desk for when you’re hungry.” But seriously, I have nothing against Mr. Booger-Eater and my daughter is totally welcome to invite him or whoever else she wants to her party IF THEY ARE FRIENDS.
4. The whole RSVP thing. For the love of God, respond! I know that technically it means s’il vous plait, but it’s not really “if you please.” It means DO IT. I know you’re busy, but do you know what I’m busy doing? Counting the number of slices in a pizza in my head to make sure I’m ordering enough to feed your RUG RAT. So here’s the deal, if you don’t respond and your kid shows up, he’s not getting anything to eat. Nope, I don’t care if we have enough cake left over to make my ass look like J Lo’s. I’m sending your kid home a hungry, crying, snotty mess.
5. Cake. Are there things I can complain about when it comes to birthday cake? Sure. Am I going to say them? N-O. Birthday cake is like my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and I’m not going to say bad shit about my friend. I love you, birthday cake.
6. And speaking of friends, let’s talk about enemies: Pinterest. Pinterest is like the bane of my existence. ‘Cause here’s the shit I see on Pinterest:
Damn it, now I need a snack break after seeing those donut holes. Back in a minute. Okay, I’m back.
This is actually a party I went to last week at my friend’s house. Correction, ex-friend’s house.
ME: WTF, Penelope, what is this? PENELOPE: Isn’t it adorable? I saw it on Pinterest. No, Penelope, it’s not adorable. It just makes me look like a shitty mom for dumping a bunch of chips in a bowl and forgetting the forks at home so everyone has to eat cake with their hands and now they’ll all have black fingers for a week from the black frosting (which should be illegal).
7. Balloons. Kids think balloons are basically gold spun from unicorn hair but they’re wrong. Balloons are annoying as shit and I refuse to have them at my kid’s party and here’s why: a. Your kid’s going to let go of her balloon like a thousand times and whine every time and every time you’re going to have to reach up and get it for her. b. If you’re outside, your kid’s going to hold onto that ribbon tight until the second she’s out the door and then she’s going to let go of it and lose her shit as she watches it getting smaller and smaller in the sky. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhh ME: I told you not to let go. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhh ME: Sorry, honey. We’ll get another balloon later. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh ME: Okay, that’s enough. It’s a piece of plastic. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh ME: Fine, hold on, I’ll go get you another. c. No officer, I didn’t see you following me with your lights for the past two miles because all I could see in my rearview mirror was a giant purple orb of latex bobbing around. d. Don’t bite the balloo— oh shit, that’s gotta hurt. And judging by the giant red welt across your jaw it hurts like a mother-F’er. Let’s just hope you’re only psychologically scarred for life and scared shitless of balloons from now on and will never want one again.
8. Lunch. Eight times 22 divided by 2.5 plus 7 times 15, awww screw it, I can’t figure out how much pizza we’re gonna need. Just give us the largest pizza package so we don’t run out and we’ll just take home the leftovers. Only we won’t end up taking them home because our trunk’s gonna be full of presents. Then again, this is probably a good thing because if we take them our trunk’s gonna smell like pizza for the rest of the week and make me salivate every time I get into my minivan.
9. Gifts. Recently I’ve heard about some moms creating registries for their kids’ birthday parties. Insert barfing sounds here. But fine, just to go with the flow, here’s my registry: 1. 2. 3. No, that’s not a typo. It’s supposed to be blank. Because WE DON’T NEED ANY PRESENTS. The last thing I want is more shit in our house. Wait, no I changed my mind. You know what I want. I would like everyone to bring us empty gift bags in assorted sizes because that’s the only thing having a party is good for. Getting all the wrapping you can use for the rest of the year.
10. And what comes after getting a lot of crap you don’t want? Thank you notes. I’m all for thank you notes WHEN MY KID CAN WRITE. Exhibit A:
So guess who has to write them all. Yours truly. So if you give my kid a drum set or finger-paints or another stuffed animal or pretty much anything else they sell at Toys R Ass, guess what I’m gonna do. I’m going to fill your thank you note with glitter and confetti. It’s raining sequins, hallelujah, it’s raining sequins, amen!
And there you go. So if you don’t get an invitation to my kid’s birthday party in a few weeks it’s actually a good thing. It means I like you and don’t want to subject you to the torture. And if you do get one, I’m sorry.
You have to plan a party a few times before you realize the below.
1. The Cost. I’d love to have the party in our backyard and save like a bazillion gajillion dollars, but A. You know if I do it’s going to tornado and hail and rain nuclear ash that day and B. My kid’s like 200% dead set on one of those bouncy house places. Are you f’ing kidding me?! Once we were at a bouncy house place and this kid must have had too much cake or caught Ebola there or something because he threw up in one of the bouncy houses and all the kids kept bouncing because no one noticed it was filled with vomit until it was all over the kids. Let’s just say I bleached and loofa’ed my kid until she had no more skin left. And now I kinda sorta have a thing against bouncy house places.
2. The goody bag. I just entertained and fed your little jackass for two hours, and now I’m supposed to send him home with a parting gift too? Some people call them goody bags. Some people call them party favors. I call them cheap plastic crapola from China that cause cancer and have parts that fall off and choke babies to death. Hmmm, yes, let’s waste more money on stuff that kills our kids and helps China. Brilliant.
3. The kids. Holy shit, we have to invite HOW MANY people to this birthday party?! Are we planning a wedding here? I mean, she’s four. For starters there’s this new rule that we have to invite every single kid in her class so we won’t hurt any feelings. What?!! They’re four. They’re not talking about what they did on the weekend. All they ever say these days is doodie and poo poo and toot. Besides, what ever happened to the whole damn totem pole of popularity and not everyone gets invited to everything? It’s like how they give a stupid trophy to every kid who participates these days. Remember the good ole days when kids could be like, “Nahhh, you’re not invited because you wear your underwear on the outside of your pants and save your boogers on your desk for when you’re hungry.” But seriously, I have nothing against Mr. Booger-Eater and my daughter is totally welcome to invite him or whoever else she wants to her party IF THEY ARE FRIENDS.
4. The whole RSVP thing. For the love of God, respond! I know that technically it means s’il vous plait, but it’s not really “if you please.” It means DO IT. I know you’re busy, but do you know what I’m busy doing? Counting the number of slices in a pizza in my head to make sure I’m ordering enough to feed your RUG RAT. So here’s the deal, if you don’t respond and your kid shows up, he’s not getting anything to eat. Nope, I don’t care if we have enough cake left over to make my ass look like J Lo’s. I’m sending your kid home a hungry, crying, snotty mess.
5. Cake. Are there things I can complain about when it comes to birthday cake? Sure. Am I going to say them? N-O. Birthday cake is like my bestest friend in the whole wide world, and I’m not going to say bad shit about my friend. I love you, birthday cake.
6. And speaking of friends, let’s talk about enemies: Pinterest. Pinterest is like the bane of my existence. ‘Cause here’s the shit I see on Pinterest:
Damn it, now I need a snack break after seeing those donut holes. Back in a minute. Okay, I’m back.
This is actually a party I went to last week at my friend’s house. Correction, ex-friend’s house.
ME: WTF, Penelope, what is this? PENELOPE: Isn’t it adorable? I saw it on Pinterest. No, Penelope, it’s not adorable. It just makes me look like a shitty mom for dumping a bunch of chips in a bowl and forgetting the forks at home so everyone has to eat cake with their hands and now they’ll all have black fingers for a week from the black frosting (which should be illegal).
7. Balloons. Kids think balloons are basically gold spun from unicorn hair but they’re wrong. Balloons are annoying as shit and I refuse to have them at my kid’s party and here’s why: a. Your kid’s going to let go of her balloon like a thousand times and whine every time and every time you’re going to have to reach up and get it for her. b. If you’re outside, your kid’s going to hold onto that ribbon tight until the second she’s out the door and then she’s going to let go of it and lose her shit as she watches it getting smaller and smaller in the sky. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhh ME: I told you not to let go. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhh ME: Sorry, honey. We’ll get another balloon later. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh ME: Okay, that’s enough. It’s a piece of plastic. KID: Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh ME: Fine, hold on, I’ll go get you another. c. No officer, I didn’t see you following me with your lights for the past two miles because all I could see in my rearview mirror was a giant purple orb of latex bobbing around. d. Don’t bite the balloo— oh shit, that’s gotta hurt. And judging by the giant red welt across your jaw it hurts like a mother-F’er. Let’s just hope you’re only psychologically scarred for life and scared shitless of balloons from now on and will never want one again.
8. Lunch. Eight times 22 divided by 2.5 plus 7 times 15, awww screw it, I can’t figure out how much pizza we’re gonna need. Just give us the largest pizza package so we don’t run out and we’ll just take home the leftovers. Only we won’t end up taking them home because our trunk’s gonna be full of presents. Then again, this is probably a good thing because if we take them our trunk’s gonna smell like pizza for the rest of the week and make me salivate every time I get into my minivan.
9. Gifts. Recently I’ve heard about some moms creating registries for their kids’ birthday parties. Insert barfing sounds here. But fine, just to go with the flow, here’s my registry: 1. 2. 3. No, that’s not a typo. It’s supposed to be blank. Because WE DON’T NEED ANY PRESENTS. The last thing I want is more shit in our house. Wait, no I changed my mind. You know what I want. I would like everyone to bring us empty gift bags in assorted sizes because that’s the only thing having a party is good for. Getting all the wrapping you can use for the rest of the year.
10. And what comes after getting a lot of crap you don’t want? Thank you notes. I’m all for thank you notes WHEN MY KID CAN WRITE. Exhibit A:
So guess who has to write them all. Yours truly. So if you give my kid a drum set or finger-paints or another stuffed animal or pretty much anything else they sell at Toys R Ass, guess what I’m gonna do. I’m going to fill your thank you note with glitter and confetti. It’s raining sequins, hallelujah, it’s raining sequins, amen!
And there you go. So if you don’t get an invitation to my kid’s birthday party in a few weeks it’s actually a good thing. It means I like you and don’t want to subject you to the torture. And if you do get one, I’m sorry.
Monday, April 22, 2013
just a little more
Since nothing fantastic happened this weekend besides the usual I went through some more Christening pictures and thought I would share a few more. My nephew captured the moment on video as well.
Friday, April 19, 2013
5th Annual Laps for Leo
Please donate and help a great cause in memory of Leo. Our "family" gets bigger and bigger every year. Let's pay it forward.
There are great prizes this year.
"We are doing our 5th Run/Walk for Ronald McDonald House and Hope Hospital in Honor of our greatest love LEO. We need help raising money to help keep families and their children together. This year we are raffling off the following prizes: GRAND PRIZE - One night stay downtown Chicago, $100 dinner gift card and a gift card for Brunch also included. SECOND PRIZE -A professional photo session by Leola Kinnie Photography. 1 Hour Portrait Session children and/or family (Immediate family only). THIRD PRIZE - Bottle service at NV Penthouse Lounge To be entered into the raffle we ask for a $25.00 min donation. For every $25.00 a raffle ticket will be entered for more chances to win. As always all donations are appreciated and every dollar counts. Thank you to all for supporting, donating, and being a part of this for Leo!"
There are great prizes this year.
"We are doing our 5th Run/Walk for Ronald McDonald House and Hope Hospital in Honor of our greatest love LEO. We need help raising money to help keep families and their children together. This year we are raffling off the following prizes: GRAND PRIZE - One night stay downtown Chicago, $100 dinner gift card and a gift card for Brunch also included. SECOND PRIZE -A professional photo session by Leola Kinnie Photography. 1 Hour Portrait Session children and/or family (Immediate family only). THIRD PRIZE - Bottle service at NV Penthouse Lounge To be entered into the raffle we ask for a $25.00 min donation. For every $25.00 a raffle ticket will be entered for more chances to win. As always all donations are appreciated and every dollar counts. Thank you to all for supporting, donating, and being a part of this for Leo!"
Thursday, April 18, 2013
"Raising grateful kids in an entitled world"
Oh do I fall into so many traps with Daniel, his table full of Star Wars crap is proof that I fail to limit materialistic items in our home.
Holidays and birthdays are difficult for me as my hubby gets excited about toys as much as Daniel and I have to explain to him less is more. It's not easy and most times I give in, as I did with his Death Star gift. I ask God every night to guide me as a parent to give my kids just enough to make them appreciate what they have but not too much to make them, oh the dreaded word, SPOILED!
One way we have started to reign things in was with the help of my sister. She was pretty sick and tired of her gifts getting lost in the shuffle of 20 other gifts that her Godson would get, finding her $100 present in the closet 3 months later. I would highly recommend this. She started a college fund for both kids. For this XMas and D's bday she deposited $ into this account. The same type of account was started for Michael. Now, my mom and sister deposit money into this account as do we. We have met with a financial advisor who was quick to say "don't make it your goal to PAY for your kids' college in full, that's not going to happen with the cost of tuition predictions, focus on your own retirement and make their college funds accounts that will be used for books and cost of college living". May I add that I had student loans, which pushed me to finish college in 4 years. My goal was to finish paying them off ASAP. It made me appreciate my degree that much more and I didn't leave my mom dirt poor. They helped with the cost of books and contributed to my tuition as best as they could.
We have many conversations now with Daniel about being thankful, telling him many kids don't have what he has. When he turned 5 we gave him jobs, getting dressed by a certain time, helping me with his laundry (throwing the laundry in, pouring detergent and then transferring from washer to dryer), putting his pajamas on at a certain time of the night and cleaning up his toys at the end of the day.
This summer we will ensure he helps with some outdoor chores as well.
Here is a good blog post on the same topic:
Now to get control over our vacation...
Holidays and birthdays are difficult for me as my hubby gets excited about toys as much as Daniel and I have to explain to him less is more. It's not easy and most times I give in, as I did with his Death Star gift. I ask God every night to guide me as a parent to give my kids just enough to make them appreciate what they have but not too much to make them, oh the dreaded word, SPOILED!
One way we have started to reign things in was with the help of my sister. She was pretty sick and tired of her gifts getting lost in the shuffle of 20 other gifts that her Godson would get, finding her $100 present in the closet 3 months later. I would highly recommend this. She started a college fund for both kids. For this XMas and D's bday she deposited $ into this account. The same type of account was started for Michael. Now, my mom and sister deposit money into this account as do we. We have met with a financial advisor who was quick to say "don't make it your goal to PAY for your kids' college in full, that's not going to happen with the cost of tuition predictions, focus on your own retirement and make their college funds accounts that will be used for books and cost of college living". May I add that I had student loans, which pushed me to finish college in 4 years. My goal was to finish paying them off ASAP. It made me appreciate my degree that much more and I didn't leave my mom dirt poor. They helped with the cost of books and contributed to my tuition as best as they could.
We have many conversations now with Daniel about being thankful, telling him many kids don't have what he has. When he turned 5 we gave him jobs, getting dressed by a certain time, helping me with his laundry (throwing the laundry in, pouring detergent and then transferring from washer to dryer), putting his pajamas on at a certain time of the night and cleaning up his toys at the end of the day.
This summer we will ensure he helps with some outdoor chores as well.
Here is a good blog post on the same topic:
Now to get control over our vacation...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
You think he'll like
if we go to this event first? I will bring his asthma meds in case he starts hyperventilating. :)
The planning has begun...
Star Wars Weekends
The planning has begun...
Star Wars Weekends
First reservation DONE!
50's Prime Time Café for lunch at Hollywood Studios. The little Jedi will build up an appetite.
Monday, April 15, 2013
5 1/2 month update
Since we started with being 2 weeks behind Michael's shots it is carrying on to being 2 weeks behind still.
Stats: Height: 25.5 inches (25%)
Weight: 15 lbs 14.5 oz (25%)
He's a little guy! We're starting to add more veggies to his diet and more cereal. U think he loves carrots?
He also cut his first tooth, bottom left. After chewing on my finger for 20 minutes I felt it and sure enough a tiny part of it broke through his gums. My baby!!
My niece sent these pictures to me. This little guy thinks he's 16 years old hanging out with the cool kids and made himself very comfortable with my niece and her boyfriend.
Blogger is messing up again with keeping pictures vertical. You get the idea.
Stats: Height: 25.5 inches (25%)
Weight: 15 lbs 14.5 oz (25%)
He's a little guy! We're starting to add more veggies to his diet and more cereal. U think he loves carrots?
He also cut his first tooth, bottom left. After chewing on my finger for 20 minutes I felt it and sure enough a tiny part of it broke through his gums. My baby!!
My niece sent these pictures to me. This little guy thinks he's 16 years old hanging out with the cool kids and made himself very comfortable with my niece and her boyfriend.
Blogger is messing up again with keeping pictures vertical. You get the idea.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
It was a beautiful day, a perfect 70 degrees and sunny. It was like the clouds parted and God handed us a perfect day for our little angel.
I only went through some pictures, I have like 5 cameras to look through but I thought this was good enough for a post.

I only went through some pictures, I have like 5 cameras to look through but I thought this was good enough for a post.
When we got home, I asked for one more picture with this handsome guy, who was soooo good all day! |
Thursday, April 11, 2013
the masterpiece is done
After Ry worked on this bad boy into the night every night for the past2 weeks (correction, exactly 7 days, sorry honey!), I introduce to you.....
Now daddy needs to sleep for 3 days straight to make up for all the late nights.
After Ry worked on this bad boy into the night every night for the past
He wore his shirt for the occasion. We couldn't even do his hair he was too excited to go downstairs...this is 6:20am |
Monday, April 8, 2013
Left overs
This week is crazy busy for me, with preparations for Michael's baptism my picture taking and memory focusing has been pretty bad. To top that Michael has a bad cold and I'm running on about 3 hours of sleep a night.
But I just downloaded these pics from my mom's camera and thought they were super cute.
But I just downloaded these pics from my mom's camera and thought they were super cute.
Check out mommy's glasses and a big cup of water in Daniel's basket. |
3 generations |
Me and my blessings |
My mom and BABE. You can't tell baby's pant button was undone to fit that baby belly. |
"Look at that turkey" |
Michael and his Godmother |
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