Monday, January 14, 2013

Learn something new

These past 2 weeks have been close to the hardest two weeks of parenting that I have experienced. Close, because my first born not talking still stays as my number one obsession that lasted 2 years.
My second son is full of mystery. Just when we think we have it figured out or we are at the end of a rough period something else happens.
Since he's been 4 weeks old this house has been loud from about 6pm till 10pm. The screams range from an hour to two to even 3. That moved on to a full day of crankiness.
It's been so long that when I take a shower or fold laundry (in the basement) I think I hear him crying, only to emerge and it's quiet (very few times).
I have called my pediatrician so many times that I know all the nurse practitioners by name. They know all his symptoms, that seem to grow weekly.
At first I got answers such as "yes, this is very typical. At around week 3-4 they start to be fussy. It's all temporary. Do the following 3 things and it will be better"
Then, "yes, this is typical. It should end by 3 months. You just have to live through it and I promise you that you will have a new baby soon, space his feedings, let him cry a little, etc.". To which I replied "When is this new baby arriving because I'm ready".
Finally, after my last call today I got the answer of "Bring him in, we need to fix him".

You see, I tend to self diagnose a lot of things. I knew Daniel was a late talker even though everyone told me I was nuts. I can sense he is getting sick because he develops a large appetite right before he gets sick or his eyes get really glossy.
I diagnose my hubby's ailments all the time; sleep apnea, various skin problems. He loves my cold remedies. He says, "your combo that you gave me really made me feel better" or "get me the combo you usually do".
My combo is really choosing meds we have on hand and laying them out for him. We swear by Alka Seltzer Cold Plus, a ridiculous amount of vitamin C, Echinecea, some nasal decongestant and air borne. They can all be substituted by whatever you have in the house, except the alka seltzer.
I come from a family of worriers, my mom and sister visit the Dr. all the time. I'm considered the one that doesn't panic over stuff and wait too long to take my kids in. If you asked Ryan he would disagree.


I have been tearing my hair out (pretty hard since my daily hair do is always a pony tail) with figuring what could be wrong with Michael. Why does he cry so hard all the time? Why is it getting difficult during feeding? I have invested at least $100 on bottles alone, trying different nipples, different brands, expensive and cheap. I even stopped breastfeeding temporarily just to give him formula because I think there is something wrong with my milk. I stopped eating certain things, NOTHING helped. Between swaddling and white noises my days/nights were a blur, hence the lack of posting anything interesting in the last month.
We were prescribed anti reflux medicine but without looking into his throat to truly know he had it, I didn't feel comfortable giving it to him twice a day. He hates taking it.
So, I am determined to get a handle on this before I go back to work (oh yeah scheduled next week) so two great grandmas won't be home with a miserable baby but most of all my baby has suffered enough.
Tomorrow we go to the Dr. to check his weight and take it from there. I'm hoping for a quicker ENT appt then I was able to make today (yes, I called one myself). The first appt is February 1st! Come on!!! I hope the Dr. can make a call or two to get this cute blue eyed boy in ASAP.
Daniel associates the baby with crying, me walking around the house saying shhhhhhhh or pumping.
I had to calm Michael down one time so I had to put my pump "stuff" on the side. I came back and Daniel's shirt was up and the bottles were on him. He said "mommy I'm pumping, I have boobies". Sweet boy!

So, that's what has been happening around here...lots of tears, yes me included, 3 boys that are all trying to keep it together and a mama that is trying not to lose the patience she has left.

Wish us luck and say a prayer or two for us, we need it.

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