This Friday, after hearing the devastating news about the tragedy in Connecticut I was more determined to go and spend an evening as a family with my little ones. I was a wreck that evening, I just kept kissing on Daniel and was glued to the TV. After shedding some tears we ventured out for what I want to be a tradition for our family every year.
Last year we ventured out to look for some amazing lights in our neighborhood and ended up at a local village display. It was bitter cold and were the only ones there. We lasted a total of 15 minutes.
This year I heard about a drive through light show about 40 minutes from us. We packed the kids up in the car. Ry picked up some delicious pop corn downtown, I made some hot cocoa. Before we left I tried to take a picture of the boys. Yeah, the little one is a hot mess of gas right now.

About a mile into the drive the baby started screaming, Daniel started saying he was tired and Ryan wanted the closest drive through to eat because we decided to be adventurous and devour our dinner while driving, in the dark, and looking at directions. That's how we keep it interesting around here.
We approached the intersection of the lights place we went to last year and we pretty much looked at each other and said "screw that, this is just as good". There was no way that gassy baby was going to make it another mile. Unfortunately he had to because a Mcrib sandwich, eggnog shake, fries, a chicken sandwich was still calling our names. 2 miles, 2 deaf ears later we got the hell out of the car (
can you picture the family mood now?).
You can enjoy what we could have seen on you tube. You r welcome.
We told ourselves we will try next week or the week after when it's not as crowded.
Finally we arrived at our destination.
Daniel could have cared less about the lights. Even with enthusiastic prompting of "
look at the pirate ship, how awesome is that airplane, look at the tree, isn't it all amazing?" The only response was "
where is that playground?" He spotted that playground in the dark as soon as we pulled up. So, as we circled the lights all we heard was "
this is not the way to the playground, it's this way, mommy, mommy, no, no, mommy, no, I don't want to see the lights, WAHHHHHH". I was ready to seriously throw myself on the ground myself and cry. Instead Ryan and I just started to laugh our butts off to survive this ordeal.
It was starting to get cold and I didn't have Daniel dressed for a
playground escapade . At this point with all this tantrum throwing I
figured the cold wasn't making much of a difference as he was burning
calories off throwing small fits with his body.
Then he just started cheesing it up for every picture and saying "now can we go?"
Daniel wasn't the only kid there. It seemed like none of the kids cared about the lights. They were all at the playground. |
The scene from the playground. Yeah I pointed that out too and he went away screaming to play. Look at all those poor moms. |
Saturday at Polish school all the kids enjoyed a traditional Polish XMas Eve.
With fish nuggets, pierogi, blintzes, salads, sandwiches and a baby Jesus! There was so much food. Ry and I stayed and got to enjoy it even though parents weren't supposed to be there. I didn't get a 7 week old ready to be told no at the last minute. The teacher is sweet and sensed that I was not thrilled, that and for the first time she saw me with makeup so she knew not to mess with me. |
I was in charge of the pastries. I bought some Polish pastries and some good old American donuts! The kids went wild over them. Thanks to my sister for the suggestion. She survived 7 years of Polish school and knows the deal. |
The kids sang a simple Polish XMas Carol. Daniel was so proud he learned it, with a slight accent. |
It's Sunday and I'm in my pajamas planning to stay that way for a few more hours. We should go to church but with next week being XMas I can only handle getting the kids ready 3 times next week so I'll allow myself to chill.