We moved on to other celebrations this Saturday, Ry's XX birthday. We spent his day enjoying lunch with my in-laws and chatting for 3 hours at John Barley Corn. The free dessert for the birthday boy and his cute apprentice were nice as well.
Today we had orientation at preschool, Daniel's afternoon school. We get to have 2 firsts this year.His AM school and PM school.
We met the teachers, talked to parents, found his cubby, found the bathroom and played a ton. I think when we heard "I don't want to leave, I love this school" we knew he would be fine.
Tuesday is his official first day. He asked today if we would leave him there and we said "no, but tomorrow we'll drop you off and you'll have so much fun and then we'll be there to pick you up in two hours". Showing him two fingers somehow makes it look like a small amount of time.
We're not new at this, we did this last year. Daniel had such confidence today that Ry and I were just beaming with how easy it was going to be.
His outfit lays in the bathroom ready to go, his backpack with a blue folder with all forms filled out is in it. He's excited about his Hot Wheels backpack that he picked out by himself. I think the free hot wheels car that came with it was a selling point.
We read him the appropriate night books to prep him and we talked up preschool like it was the best thing since sliced bread.
He's ready. I'll get teary eyed, no doubt, but knowing I get to do this again in 4 years puts a smile on my face. My little man is growing up, he's blossoming into a spunky little guy that tests boundaries, has self confidence on the playground and the biggest, warm heart a mom could ever hope for.
Here's to another year of preschool. Full update in a day or two AND maybe a reveal of the kitchen. We are about 24 hours away from a full complete kitchen.
The back splash went up today and we just starred at it, it was our own personal orientation day with our new kitchen. We like her, we like her a lot.
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