We are both drained from this weekend.
We accomplished a list of to-do's.
First, while D and Bunia stayed home Ry and I ventured out to look at cabinets. 3 hours later we came home hungry and confused on what we wanted or what I wanted in cabinets.
Saturday, afternoon we needed to take a train ride into the city to practice Ry's new commute.

We stopped at his new building, right across from Millenium park. Of
course we couldn't leave without having a little fun and some food. D
LOVES the water. Let's hope that love carries into this Tuesday when he
starts swimming lessons.
I have yet to figure out how to make these vertical. |
D passed out in the stroller as we walked to the Metra line, we looked over schedules and learned his new route. Piece of cake!
We both barely walked back to the train with all the walking we had done all day. D was demanding, "Let's keep moving, and go home". We were ready to smack him with his comfortable butt in the stroller as we pushed and daddy carried a backpack filled with according to him "everything".
Sunday morning turned out to be an adventure with our refrigerator. We've been having all sorts of temperature issues with it and ice build it up in the back of the freezer. It was time for a new one, but our actual NEW pretty one isn't coming until our kitchen remodel so Friday we bought a regular fridge (freezer on top, fridge on bottom) to hold us over and it will be used as our extra fridge in the basement. No, I was not ready to bring a nice stainless steel fridge into a kitchen that is going to be torn apart soon to have it scratched during construction and me being ticked over it afterwards. Anyhoot, our current 1970s fridge had a water line connected to it and we needed to unhook it. The idiot that tried to do it had no idea what he was doing, long story short, we had water leaking into a bucket and were forced to call a plumber. $200 later the water stopped leaking, the new temporary fridge is in our family room and the 1970s antique is still in our kitchen. I won't talk about my hubby's temper during that ordeal.
After that fiasco, I unplugged at Home Depot for 3 hours getting another estimate on cabinets. The more trips I make the more I realize what I want and the more the new things don't match the old things I picked. So, once we change our minds on one thing it's spirals into "we have to start from scratch". So, far our fridge, microwave and hood have already changed. I won't even begin with the idea I had in my head of my kitchen initially and what we are ending up picking. Both good just different. It's not so simple, but according to my sister if she had my job with remodeling my kitchen she could pick stuff out with her eyes closed. That's coming from a woman that has moved like 5 times and built 2 new construction homes and remodeled twice. Whatev!
With the heat rising so have our tempers around here, as one cabinet guy told us after I asked him "how many estimates do people usually get on cabinets?" to which he replied "you can go until you're tired and usually that's what happens, people get sick of getting estimates and looking and go to the first option they wanted". GREAT!
I'm making Ry look at cabinet samples from twenty directions and in different lighting. This remodeling stuff is not for everyone. But hey we survived the
Purple House. Nuff said!