I thought I wouldn't have any exciting content for the blog today but boy was I wrong.
Our morning started a bit interesting when right before church D went #2 in his pull. Because I hadn't realized he went I was in a hurry to put him on the potty before we left and quickly pulled his pull up down, only to discover a hand covered in
doo doo. Not a good start. I washed myself and him off and thought that the antibiotics we switched him to on Friday are giving him the runs, but it was only the morning so I was going to see how it went.
After church I was excited to go to the mall to get my new cell phone. Since most of my friends make fun of my 2008 cell phone I had to upgrade. I got the Droid Ally and it's sweet.
Right after my new gadget was safely in my pocket we stopped by Stride Rite and picked up D a new pair of shoes. D was happy, I was happy and we were ready to leave...

when daddy realized he was hungry. After debating what we should have a little voice from the stroller confirmed McDonald's.
Fries and chicken nuggets for my sweet boy it was (D that is), daddy had a burger.

We were just chilling, me practicing taking pictures with my new phone and D and daddy goofing off when I noticed a spot on D's brand new black shoes (not the ones we bought him but another new pair that only goes with fancy outfits. I like to get him dressed up for church). Ry said "I think he stepped in something". My eyes grew wider as I realized the spot was also on his pant leg and I slowly held my breath and lifted his pant leg up, I gasped. He stepped in something alright, his own
doo doo that was leaking out of his pull up.
(5 minutes earlier, D stood a little strange and we thought he was going but he refuses to tell us that he is so we accepted the "No" and went on with our lunch.)
We panicked, as D was shoving fries in his mouth we were rummaging through his backpack that we take everywhere. Why would it have an extra outfit? Of course it didn't.
I whisked him off to the bathroom and honestly I didn't know where to begin. I went in with only three things, wipes, a new pull up and a Jewel bag.
D is 36lbs and somehow every manufacturer of changing tables doesn't realize that there are kids 25lbs + that need to be changed, still. I laid him on the table and he proceeded to slide down because his legs were dangling. Meanwhile, he didn't make a sound, looked innocent as could be.
I took his shoes off and put them in the bag
I took his socks off and put them in the bag
then it got scary...
I took the pants off and WHOA mama.
I'm sure all the people waiting in line with kids appreciated that I was taking my sweet time.
He had #$#@##@ everywhere, on his legs, feet, back, you get the picture.
I was frantically pulling wipes and wiping him down, while trying to scoot him up before he slid down and we had to call 911 into the
poopy stall.
Of course, the garbage was on the other side of the double stall so the Michael Jordan that I am, I kept throwing the wipes trying to make it into the waste basket.
Half of them made it, the other landed on the floor.
With a new pull up on, he had no pants, socks or shoes to put on. I cleaned up the best that I could and walked out of the bathroom with a baby that was half naked. I got a couple of glances. Really people, do you really think I would walk with my child like this at the mall, let alone in 40 degree weather?

The first thing we saw was the
Gymboree store. We high tailed it there and I frantically searched the sale rack (I wasn't gonna spend full price on anything), I found some pants, a top and grabbed socks (they were on sale 5 for $10). I tossed the pants to Ryan, who ripped the tags off and put them on D, who was oblivious to our efforts as he watched some show on the TV in the store.
I actually found a coupon in my organizer that I used and
TADA, a dressed baby with his new shoes on.

He was tired and so were we.
We laughed and agreed that "this is
sooo blog worthy".
Needless to say Mr. D did not get a dose of
meds tonight. I will be calling the Dr. tomorrow and hopefully #$#@# won't be flying around at the daycare
cuz good luck to whoever has to manage that mess. Never a dull moment.