It was Friday, October 26th and I was determined to wash my floors. My mom has been helping me keep the house clean for a couple of months now but with her being gone to Poland I couldn't stand my floors not being washed another day. I told myself not to overdo it. By the time I was done I felt good and exhausted.
I was having major heart burn the entire day so as the night came, it got even worse. I was up at 11pm flipping through channels, I think I passed out at 11:30. I told Ryan that he could sleep in the next morning so he was down stairs watching a movie. He came up around midnight, put his sleep apnea mask on and passed out quickly.
Between my heart burn and having to go pee every 20 minutes at about 12:30am I was in the bathroom AGAIN. Just like with Daniel my water broke sitting on the can. I felt it trickle and told myself it wasn't it. Maybe by our 4th kid I won't pray "please don't let this be it" and just go with the flow. 4th kid, yeah right!
I opened the door and told Ryan my water broke. With his mask on and God knows what blowing into his mouth from the machine he couldn't hear me. I had to yell again, he was all tangled in the tubes from the machine. He got up and after that you just had to see the commotion. With a towel between my legs I started running around gathering stuff to add to my 95% packed bag. Of course my makeup bag was first. I remember thinking if my water broke this time around I would be calm, take a shower, put makeup on, YEAH RIGHT!!! My boys like to get the show on the road quick.
I called my sister to come over and watch Daniel, who was asleep and didn't suffer any trauma in seeing us be complete idiots. The best was when we couldn't find my keys, eventually after what seemed like forever searching for them I grabbed the spare keys.
It took Ryan a couple of tries to back out of the garage because of his sleepiness and nerves. I couldn't let Ryan take the expressway because visions of idiots on the road going 80 miles an hour flashed in front of my eyes. We took streets all the way down, we parked in the handicap parking and went through the same door as we did 4.5 years ago. With a towel between my legs we think the security guard was the same too because we remembered his calm, dumb demeanor from last time too.
Once I was prepped and it was verified that yes my water broke and yes baby boy #2 was in breach position like his older brother, we were being wheeled to the OR.
My handsome husband in his scrubs stayed calm and cool. I knew he was tired as it was already 2:30am and he literally slept 30 minutes. I saw him with a cup of coffee, downing it like his life depended on it.
My awesome Dr, who happens to be flamboyantly gay, busted into the room talking about how dare I wake him up. "My kids like to make an entrance late at night" I said. 'KIDS', the word made me realize I was about to become a mommy of 2.
I knew what to expect when I was in the OR but I was still nervous of
the unknown. It seemed like forever before they let Ryan back in.
My in-laws arrived right before Ry was about to go in. They always have their camera and took these awesome pics. |
After some tugging and pulling our bundle of joy came out screaming on 10/27/12 @ 3:34am. With an Apgar score of 9, 9, 9, 10 we knew we had a competitor on our hands beating his brother by 1 on one of his scores. This time around we were allowed to take pics in the actual delivery room.
Once the baby was out and I was out of the recovery my poor hubby had it for the day.
The next morning a special someone got to meet Michael. We have a video of Daniel walking in to meet him and it's adorable but I cannot download it because our new laptop doesn't have the software, but trust me it's adorable. Just look at these two.
What hair color do my boys have? That is a million dollar question. In certain lights they both have reddish/blond hair, then in some Daniel is a total blondie. Time will tell. The debate continues which side of the family the hair came from. All I know is when they get mad I call them both "Angry Irish men". |

Our first family photo, me with some extra pounds to shed and major water retention.
Before I knew it, it was time to go home.
and deal with reality.
I think we are doing pretty well. Above is Michael in the swing and below is Daniel in it 4.5 years ago.
We are surviving with a good sense of humor, tons of diapers and wipes. We cherish every moment because we know how quickly time flies before they are not babies anymore.
I'm looking forward to this holiday season with my 3 men.