Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend

We had a lovely Memorial Day Weekend.
Friday, we went to Red Lobster, by the time we were seated D was ready for his food and letting us know in a bratty way.
Saturday and Sunday D spent it with his grandparents having tons of fun while we ran errands, dined at night and relaxed. We went to eat at Cooper's Hawk, I like the place but a pregnant lady cannot take an hour wait especially when a 30-40 minute wait was promised. All was well and we enjoyed dinner and company with our dear friends.
When D got home on Sunday, we made pizza for dinner, went to the park and crashed.

On Monday, we searched on line and cruised to find any open places to have fun but it seems like everything was closed for the day.

We did what responsible home owners do with no place to go, yard work.  D ran around and had a ball with the water hose and "helped" clean. We got our table and chairs out and cleaned and we attacked the ants in the back yard. I also washed windows, no ladders involved!
We are looking forward to a good burger and corn on the cob this evening and maybe a bike trip for some ice cream if it doesn't rain.
Hope you had an awesome Memorial Day Weekend!

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