I've been out of sorts with blogging lately. It's been more of a pain than pleasure. I took a little break but still not feeling up to it. I thought I would give a quick update on our weekend. We had a low key weekend. Saturday, haircuts for the boys, church and grocery shopping.

Sunday, we had to get used to the new time change. We hung out in our pj's until noon. Ry and I hung up new curtain rods in Daniel's room while D ran around with all of the tools.

Later D enjoyed a play date with his old time friend Kevin while his parents and us measured the kitchen and discussed a possible kitchen remodel. :0
We even made it to the park on such a gorgeous day.

All day I had a feeling D was coming down with something, his nose was running and he was cranky. Sure enough he has a cold. He didn't want to go to school today and it made for a rough morning. Lots of yucky germs have been going around and we hope our house doesn't get infested with them.