Today D and I went on a walk, he rode his tricycle as I walked alongside. Seriously, it's February in Chicago. I keep waiting for the day they announce we'll get 30 inches of snow in 5 hours.
I didn't have my phone with me to take a picture but I smiled and had tears in my eyes as he rode the tricycle that was a perfect size over the summer that was now clearly too small for him. It's only been 5 months since he rode it outside. When did this happen?!
He is excited for mommy and daddy to take him to the bike store on his birthday to pick out a blue bike. It will have training wheels, and I want to get him a cute horn and those things on the tires that make noise as you ride (OK I had those maybe they make boy ones). I'm so excited!
Ry and I want to take off of work and plan a fun day with our munchkin. D will be on spring break the week of his bday so it will be a week worth of celebrating!
I want him to stay this age forever.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I haven't had the desire to blog much. My creative juices are at their ultimate low this week. I will be back soon with more creativity than you can handle.
August 2010
I'm working on a few house projects now that have me running around like a nut.
For now I'll leave you with this...
There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.
-Freya Stark

Monday, January 23, 2012
I've gotten lazy with taking pictures with my camera so I resorted to my phone camera. Not the best quality but it still captures the moments that need capturing.
We didn't do much this weekend except...
We went to church and had some donuts (best bribe for D to stay quiet during mass) after mass and hung out with Daniel's classmates and their parents. There are three girls, as in triplets, the mom and I compared notes about the class and then we were off to get a haircut with our fantastic girl Amanda. We tried going to places closer to home but Amanda just knows what I like. They call me "mom" there. So, they will say, how would you like his cut mom or can you have him look down mom. His hair grows like weeds so he is a pro now.
We went to lunch to Panera. Ry and I looked at the calories of our sandwiches and I almost gagged. What sounded like a healthy turkey sandwich was about half my calories for the day.
Daniel didn't seem to mind his calories. Did I mention he demanded fries and daddy had to walk to McDonald's to complete his meal? Ridiculous, I know. We dodged a bullet when he wanted ketchup to go with his fries and Panera didn't have it. We cleaned up quickly before seeing some ugly behavior.
After a nap, D and daddy watched some football.
and snacked
then D and I got bored and played hungry hippos. He beats me most of the time.
We could hear Ry getting all crazed downstairs in the family room watching his beloved 49ers lose. It was like a scene from the Christmas Story when the father goes downstairs to repair the furnace. He took it well, overall. Being a Cubs fan has prepared him for big losses.
Now that I have caught up with Mad Men I'm onto my next show, Downtown Abbey. It's pretty neat. Every time I watch it Ry comes into the room and shakes his head. I guess he didn't take me for an early 1900s British kinda movie watching gal. I'm full of surprises.
We didn't do much this weekend except...
We went to church and had some donuts (best bribe for D to stay quiet during mass) after mass and hung out with Daniel's classmates and their parents. There are three girls, as in triplets, the mom and I compared notes about the class and then we were off to get a haircut with our fantastic girl Amanda. We tried going to places closer to home but Amanda just knows what I like. They call me "mom" there. So, they will say, how would you like his cut mom or can you have him look down mom. His hair grows like weeds so he is a pro now.

Daniel didn't seem to mind his calories. Did I mention he demanded fries and daddy had to walk to McDonald's to complete his meal? Ridiculous, I know. We dodged a bullet when he wanted ketchup to go with his fries and Panera didn't have it. We cleaned up quickly before seeing some ugly behavior.

Now that I have caught up with Mad Men I'm onto my next show, Downtown Abbey. It's pretty neat. Every time I watch it Ry comes into the room and shakes his head. I guess he didn't take me for an early 1900s British kinda movie watching gal. I'm full of surprises.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Say what?
One afternoon Daniel looked at the calendar on our fridge and started pointing to numbers and saying them in Italian. I knew they were learning Italian in school I just didn't know he actually knew anything. Well, Polish school will be starting in the fall cuz this is not going to fly.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Quote of the week
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
-Dolly Parton
-Dolly Parton
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