Friday, December 30, 2011
Last quote of 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011
We have clearance, Clarence
Our boy is a perfect 40/40. 40 1/4 inches tall and 40 lbs. Pure love.
We were waiting for the Dr. hence the bare legs.
I'm excited to eat all the food we had frozen for XMas in the next few days. We'll be enjoying shrimp, scallops, stuffed mushrooms (for me, Ry hates mushrooms) and Ry will be making a shrimp dish. Goodbye clean kitchen, but he's super excited to make it. The weather here is crazy, it was in the mid 40s today. I was a wild woman today trying to keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder we put up. The bag of food says "Cardinals will love it and squirrels hate it", I don't know where they did their testing and what kind of squirrels refused these seeds but the ones in our back yard were hanging upside down to get to the food today. I strategically placed the feeder so they wouldn't steal the food. There was a squirrel doing gymnastics to get to the food. I felt bad. I just can't afford to feed everyone out there. These squirrels don't look like they are starving either.
They are also not as cute as the birds chirping to get to their meal. I don't appreciate the increasing amount of bird poop on my patio though. I guess I can't win either way. For now the feeder stays.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
and we're back
We prepared for Xmas by baking a ton. I had a little helper.
He did so well at the hospital, partly because he got more chuggers that kept him busy.
In the mean time Daniel continues to take inventory of the chuggers he has, by circling them and pointing out pathetically the 3 that he doesn't. He will have them soon considering that he will be in the hospital next week.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas from our family to yours
Thursday, December 22, 2011
We're getting ready
I went food shopping at 9pm today, closed the place down but I know I'll be glad tomorrow when I'm in my warm kitchen baking cookies and having fun while the stores around me are insane.
I also got all my present wrapping done. That one was easy considering we only bought for Daniel and my in-laws. My niece and nephew request cold hard cash, EASY! I'm blessed, I know.
On a sadder note, we found out our baby needs his adenoids removed. He's been on 3 rounds of antibiotics for sinus infections and it's not going away. He has a history of sinus infections and strep. He had a CT scan on Monday and it revealed that his adenoids are 60% bigger than they should be. It explains the constant congestion. His tonsils look extremely big but the Dr. will make the decision while he's "in" if they need to be taken out. The surgery is scheduled for January 4th, I will be nervous but I also know so many kids that have had it removed and all the parents tell me how much happier they are. We want to make him comfortable and get him off so many antibiotics.
Next week we'll try to get out of the house and make it special for him before his surgery.
I'm sure all the new gifts he'll get will keep him busy until then.
On another note I'm obsessed with the show Mad Men, I got it on Neflix and love watching it. I'm a few seasons behind so it's nice to know I have something waiting for me when all the shows on tv are on hiatus. Ry is obsessed with a show called Dexter. He watches it on his iPad as I watch my show on TV. Yes, 7 years of marriage and you can do things like that.
Off to catch some sleep.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Under Construction
Friday, December 16, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Santa overload
It was one craazzzzzzy weekend. I'm just coming up for air from the overdose of holiday cheer.
Great memories were made, sore backs have recovered and more parties have yet to be enjoyed.
Friday, we did something spontaneous, we got into my car around 7:30pm with hot popcorn and hot chocolate.
He started to whine...
D and daddy had a great time at the birthday party and I appreciated that he ran around like a nut because nap time was easy. Not for me, of course. D and daddy slept while I ran errands.
Sunday, was another busy day. It was time for the Polar Express at 9:00am!
2 Santas, a birthday party, a train ride, some lights...all in a weekend. Nothing like December!