Since a lot has happened, I'll break down the happenings of our weekend quickly.
Friday, has no pictures but I picked up D from daycare with our old sitter, who was visiting and D did not look good. I called the Dr. who informed me that he must be fighting a virus but I could bring him in if he was worse the following morning. At this point D had a red rash, a fever and did not look good. We debated going to the ER but he seemed OK after some
Motrin. I thought the rash was from all the vitamins I've been giving him. Immediately I felt guilty over my plan to "overdose" him on vitamins.
He looked even worse on Saturday morning. I called and got in to see the Dr.
It was confirmed, not only was it strep, but because he had a rash, it was now Scarlet Fever.
With a prescription in hand and a happy guy (only because he got a lollipop) in toe we left to get his
meds filled. In the mean time I called Ry to cancel our long awaited theater tickets to see Les Miserables that night. Thank God he was smart and purchased insurance.

I started to feel pretty cruddy at home. My throat was on fire and I was getting the chills. We were a pathetic trio. Ry was feeling fine but sad we didn't go to see our show.

I went to a local clinic and was also diagnosed with strep.
The rest of Saturday went something like this.
Kept D busy with art work.
Dug through old toys. Stayed in pajamas all day.
Daddy and D created art while mommy was resting.
Proof that a child is more resilient than an adult.

Sunday we relaxed and medicated D. His cough became horrible at night. He was wheezing. He didn't sleep all night and had a fever.
Sunrise on Valentine's Day brought us to the ER.

An x-ray showed "congestion" in his left lung. There was also "crackling" in the left lung and no one could explain why it was only the left and not both lungs. I was asked "Did he swallow a toy?" I think I would have known....
Albuterol treatments, a dose of steroids, a Build a Bear gift from a nurse, a new car from Toys R Us and more prescriptions we came home 4.5 hours later.
His shirt says "Eligible Bachelor", appropriate for Valentine's Day in the ER. That sliding door and a security guard kept him busy for quite a while.
And that folks was our Valentine's Day weekend.

Today we had a follow-up with D's pediatrician but have to go back on Friday. He's doing much better and we are hoping that with keeping him home all week it will really help him to get well before catching another virus. This parenting thing really takes a toll sometimes. Don't get me started on teenage years, drivers licenses, late nights and dating. I will be curled up in a fetal position for about 5 years.