I stole this blog post idea from another blogger because I think it's important to think about the simple things in life amidst our crazy daily life.
Here is my list of just some of the simple things that make me smile.
The smell of a clean baby after a bath.

Having the privilege to plan a birthday party for a baby you waited a long time to have. (Not simple but I had to put this in here as I begin to plan Daniel's 2nd b-day)

The sound of giggles coming from another room as you walk through the front door after a long day at work.
Instead of sleeping in on a Sunday morning enjoying a day at the park and realizing sleeping is over rated.

Friday nights when the house has been cleaned, the dishes washed, the baby bathed and 2 more full days to get to enjoy life.
Any day where I get to play in the dirt and plant some flowers or pull some weeds.
A perfect cup of hot tea made by my hubby (I taught him well).
A day at the beach.

A basket of clean, folded laundry.
A good song on the radio you haven't heard in a while that brings back good memories.
The smell of your baby's stinky feet (you moms out there know what I'm talking about).
TIVO at 5am with recorded Yo Gabba Gabba episodes for your son to enjoy as you snooze next to him.

Smell of my Oil of Olay firming face cream at night.
Getting to pick a new scent of body wash after you've been using the same one for over a month.
Self starter for my car! LOVE IT!
Warm, soft socks.
Enjoying a glass of wine at the end of a hard day.
Finding a Lean Cuisine in the back of the freezer to take to work when you don't want to look at another sandwich.
A friend asking you to lunch so you don't have to eat the Lean Cuisine you brought to work. :)
50% off sales!
Cleaning out your kid's closet to make room for spring clothes.
HEAT AND PLUMBING, I had to sneak that in.