We had a great weekend! Saturday after D's speech therapy we went to Kid Town USA. Daniel's therapist told us they were having an open house and for two hours kids got to enjoy the entire place for FREE. Since we are always on the look out for something to do with him we were all over it. He had a wonderful time and we enjoyed it as well.

He LOVED playing this piano. A few people watched him as he finished each piece he played on the left side of the piano, turned around smiling and waited for applause. Like his great uncle Tom we may have a musician on our hands.

He played dress up.

Posed with daddy with Fire Marshal Bill. :)

They had a fire station, a construction zone, an animal hospital, a house and a store. Daniel mostly stayed in the
construction zone and...

the kitchen where he played with the microwave,
refrigerator and stove. On the other side of the kitchen was a full blown PINK girls area but D did not set foot in it.

After his nap we dropped D off at my in-laws for his first weekend sleep over!! We made reservations at Ruth's Chris for dinner and we couldn't wait. Thanks to a couple of gift certificates we were so excited to go out to dinner and come home and relax AND get to sleep in the next morning. It was
sooooooo nice. We both forgot how nice it was not to be rushed through a meal at a restaurant because your toddler is throwing food and flirting with all the ladies.
Sunday morning we stayed in bed till 11am, something we haven't done in 2 years and then went out to breakfast. Later, I organized D's toys and made chili and relaxed with a magazine in hand (Parenting magazine, I had to feel like I was still parenting), I haven't done that in ages.
As fun as all of that sounds we were so delighted to see him later that day. D on the other hand woke up for Grandma and Grandpa at 4:30am, took a 3 hour nap, and was a hungry, sleepy and cranky baby by the time we got there. He warmed up quickly after some juice and french fries.
We gave D a bath there since a bathtub is hard to find in our rental and he had a screaming fit. The last time I wanted to give him a shower he had a fit too so we don't know what's going on. Perhaps skipping showers lately because of the cold weather was not a good idea.
The weekend was great and it reminded us how important it is to take time away to enjoy each other! We promised each other to do it more often.