With a coffee mug in my hand, comfortable shoes, and cash I set out to find the best toys for Daniel at resale shops on Saturday morning.
The first, a church sale in a rich neighborhood, I found a few good things but the true gold mine was 5 minutes away from my house. The annual park district kids resale in Hoffman Estates. I almost missed it figuring how good can it be but then I told myself "I'll just stop by". It was pure insanity, women and men running around grabbing toys like they were FREE and tossing them into their own laundry baskets.
My heart started to pound, since I finished my huge mug of coffee AND treated myself to a Starbucks I started to shake and then sweat. I grabbed an empty box and started filling it with...well, STUFF. I was so excited I made about 5 rounds down the same aisles just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I was getting dizzy and finally called it quits.
The result? $30 later I had amazing toys and a pair of shoes for Daniel to enjoy.

Let's go through what I got:
1. Noah's Ark little people with all the animals
2. Leap Frog train that teaches numbers, alphabet, songs, etc.
3. 2 books
4. Watering can for the bathtub
5. Police car
6. Fire truck
7. Alphabet blocks by Melissa and Doug
8. Globe stuffed with a sun, spaceship, moon, planet (you know when he starts learning Science this week, :))
9. Xylophone
10. Leap Frog that talks and teaches, colors, numbers, alphabet (really neat)
11. Discovery toy ball tower
12. Ball spinning thingy
13. Brand new shoes for $1.00

Aren't these cute?!

Daniel was a little overwhelmed with all the new stuff so we had to move a lot of the old stuff to the basement. We rearranged our furniture down there and he now has a second playroom down there. It's amazing how much money you can save by buying gently used toys. I had money left over for diapers, which by the way cost more than all those toys combined.
I paid $30 for everything and I know one of those toys (Discovery Toy ball tower) is like $40 alone. I was so happy!
Later on we went over to my mom's for dinner where the men got competitive AGAIN with bean bag tossing. I forgot to take the camera there. My mom and sister were shocked I forgot it since they know I always drag that thing with me.
Sunday, we went out to breakfast at
Panera and then pretty much relaxed.
I've decided to spruce up our master bath and do something fresh. I'll post before and after pics. It's nothing major but I feel like it needs a little change especially since we haven't had one single bite on the house and I figure we'll be here a little while longer. I'm calling it "The fresh and crisp look".