On Sunday morning after playing a game with Daniel I said "wouldn't having a fish be fun?" "yeah" Daniel replied. "When daddy gets home let's tell him you want a fish". It's not wrong to give a little push for something that I know he would enjoy...WE would enjoy...OK I would enjoy.
We piled into the car and within an hour we selected a new perfect "travel" size tank, a fish and an accessory for the tank. He wasn't interested in any other animals. Not even the cute puppies.

The fish went through a few bumps on the way home, Ryan and I both said "is he still alive?" a few times.

When we asked Daniel what his name should be, he kept saying "I'll pick name later". We guided him with, "you can name him whatever you want", "what does he look like, maybe that will help you". Finally, "BLUE" was the name the blue fish was given.
Ryan and I quoted a movie line from the movie
Old School where a 90 year old man was named Blue and it stuck. The line included "you're my boy, Blue!", which Daniel picked up quickly and started repeating that line to the fish. HAHA!!!
I'm already thinking Blue is lonely and needs a partner, RED. Maybe for D's birthday we'll add a friend.

How cute is the little mask we got? The fish loves hiding behind it.

First lunch with Blue.

Welcome to the family. We're hoping he makes it 24 hours before we are hauling to the store for a replacement before D notices anything.