That darn plasma still has to go up but it's coming along. I will only post another picture of the family room AFTER the TV goes up, maybe it will go up faster that way.
Saturday, we did... well not a whole lot besides food shopping and a visit to "Kaka" (my sister Kathy). My family is officially obsessed with D, they lived further away before (a whole 30 minutes!!!) and now they just can't get enough of him. Now, that D is talking more I do have to admit he's even cuter than before. He is putting 2-3 word phrases together and is just repeating everything! It's music to my ears. Over the last month he has made such progress I sometimes look at him and just cry, because I'm so proud of him. I remember people telling me "it will just happen over night, you'll see" and I would think "it just doesn't happen over night" BUT for him it really did. It just clicked. My sugar plum dumpling found his voice and has gotten pretty vocal lately. He has therapy twice a week. He has a great new therapist that is young and "perky" (as my mom in law says). She is impressed with D's improvement as well.
Saturday, we did... well not a whole lot besides food shopping and a visit to "Kaka" (my sister Kathy). My family is officially obsessed with D, they lived further away before (a whole 30 minutes!!!) and now they just can't get enough of him. Now, that D is talking more I do have to admit he's even cuter than before. He is putting 2-3 word phrases together and is just repeating everything! It's music to my ears. Over the last month he has made such progress I sometimes look at him and just cry, because I'm so proud of him. I remember people telling me "it will just happen over night, you'll see" and I would think "it just doesn't happen over night" BUT for him it really did. It just clicked. My sugar plum dumpling found his voice and has gotten pretty vocal lately. He has therapy twice a week. He has a great new therapist that is young and "perky" (as my mom in law says). She is impressed with D's improvement as well.
On to other weekend events, Sunday we had Ryan's family come for a small bbq. His Aunt Georgene flew in from CA for a marathon with Ryan's other aunt Bonnie (she lives close but we just don't see her enough). We had polish sausage (of course), chicken with veggies, corn, potatoes and great chips and dip and dessert (both which my in-laws provided which were great!). It was fun to spend time together in our new home.
Here are some pics, not much, I was lazy with picture taking and of course as I write this I regret I didn't make everyone pose like I usually do.
D showing aunt Bonnie his water table.
Ready to eat
Smelling flowers
Aunt Bonnie playing herself
she got everyone else involved
The biggest annoying thing of the party....D dragging anyone that would follow him to any car that was open so he could do this
Ryan and I are so sick of hearing "Mama's Car" "Dada's Car". A black car in 90 degree weather is not our idea of fun. He knows every button and compartment in our cars. It's exhausting. No, he will not be a race car driver, like everyone that's supposed to make me feel better! After every dish was washed and left overs put away I day dreamed of this...
a nice claw-foot tub that I would love to take a bath in, soak my tired legs and have a glass of wine. Our bathroom only has a shower and D's bathroom looks like a showroom bathroom, only problem, the showroom is from the 1950's!
We have tons of other projects to do before we demolish that bathroom but doesn't this tub just look fantastic?
I can picture myself soaking in there and getting pruned and Ry calling after me to make sure I was still alive. Friday evening I would walk in there with my bath bubbles, a good book, a glass of wine and leave all my worries outside the bathroom door. Oh it would be heaven. My grandma used to have a tub like this on her farm and I remember feeling so small in it and my mom having to get me out of it because it was too darn tall. Maybe soon I can share a beauty like this with D, although not sure how he would feel about that as a teenager. It's either that or busting through his closet to gain more bathroom space in ours. Hmmmm, the possibilities.
And tomorrow is yet another Monday. I hope the week goes by fast.
Here are some pics, not much, I was lazy with picture taking and of course as I write this I regret I didn't make everyone pose like I usually do.
D showing aunt Bonnie his water table.
a nice claw-foot tub that I would love to take a bath in, soak my tired legs and have a glass of wine. Our bathroom only has a shower and D's bathroom looks like a showroom bathroom, only problem, the showroom is from the 1950's!
We have tons of other projects to do before we demolish that bathroom but doesn't this tub just look fantastic?

And tomorrow is yet another Monday. I hope the week goes by fast.