Our rental looks like a disaster and there is tons of stuff to pack.
The floors at the house are complete and the stairs as well. We saw them yesterday and it looks great. The final coat of polyurethane went on today so tomorrow we'll tackle painting 2 bathrooms so we don't destroy the floors.
Friday, the plan is to put on the second coat of paint on our bedroom and the play room. Everything we've been bringing to the house is crammed in the garage and basement. There are so many things that are not finished, but I know it will come together with a little effort over the weekends.
Today, I started looking at decorations to transition D from his baby blue bedroom to look more like a toddler room. I have to do this since the star decals didn't survive the 2 moves we made since his original bedroom.
Friday, the plan is to put on the second coat of paint on our bedroom and the play room. Everything we've been bringing to the house is crammed in the garage and basement. There are so many things that are not finished, but I know it will come together with a little effort over the weekends.
Today, I started looking at decorations to transition D from his baby blue bedroom to look more like a toddler room. I have to do this since the star decals didn't survive the 2 moves we made since his original bedroom.
His old nursery.

Here are some ideas I have once he gets into a big boy bed.
I started to like vintage wall art when I was preggo but the $100+ price tag on it made me go with the cheap star decals. What was I thinking? Now Land of Knod and every other place has copied my great idea and are selling the prints below for like $120 a piece. Anyone know of a cheap place that has these let me know.
He needs to learn his states sometime.
He needs to learn his states sometime.
My in-laws have a vintage baseball glove they bought for Ry when he was small at a flea market that they will give D to put into his room.
We gotta incorporate some baseball into his room.
Every boy needs a growth chart.

We've planned for that as well...
For the playroom we're thinking of going with a car theme, vintage also. Aren't these adorable for the walls to add a little color?