Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Presenting, the cutest baby Yoda on earth!
D got the Wonder Pets fly boat from Grandma and the theme song won't get out of my head!
Although D was still under the weather some M&Ms made him feel better. Like mother like son.

He cautiously walked over to the neighbors and was waving bye bye before he got his candy. He wasn't fond of the cold.

We hope you had a very happy and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
We're ALMOST ready
The candy has been bought, the costume is ready, our mouths are watering for some sweets...we're ready for Halloween!
A little problem with that, Daniel has his famous croupy cough AGAIN!
He missed his Monday class because I had to go into the office and it was raining and they (sitter and D) couldn't walk to class. He was supposed to bring treats and wear his costume BUT it never happened. I'll be eating 100 calorie pack pretzels for weeks since I bought enough for a class of 20!
Now, Saturday is quickly approaching when he would finally wear his costume and he's getting sicker by the day. This costume will be worn even if for 5 minutes if it kills me.
I can't reveal it until Saturday but he looks so adorable in it. His personalized pumpkin candy bag (compliments of Grandma and Grandpa) arrived 2 weeks ago and is ohhh so cute.
We will make this Halloween very special even I have to give him steam treatments with his costume on.
On another note Daniel is 19 months today. He's growing up so fast and doing so many new things. Too many to list and bore everyone. Happy 19 months sweet pea!
A little problem with that, Daniel has his famous croupy cough AGAIN!
He missed his Monday class because I had to go into the office and it was raining and they (sitter and D) couldn't walk to class. He was supposed to bring treats and wear his costume BUT it never happened. I'll be eating 100 calorie pack pretzels for weeks since I bought enough for a class of 20!
Now, Saturday is quickly approaching when he would finally wear his costume and he's getting sicker by the day. This costume will be worn even if for 5 minutes if it kills me.
I can't reveal it until Saturday but he looks so adorable in it. His personalized pumpkin candy bag (compliments of Grandma and Grandpa) arrived 2 weeks ago and is ohhh so cute.
We will make this Halloween very special even I have to give him steam treatments with his costume on.
On another note Daniel is 19 months today. He's growing up so fast and doing so many new things. Too many to list and bore everyone. Happy 19 months sweet pea!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I guess fall is over because in one day all the trees on our street are bare. With the wind howling on Friday and Saturday we spent our Saturday afternoon cleaning up the driveway. It was beautiful and depressing all at the same time.
"Where did all the leaves go?"
"You guys go ahead and work I'll run around"
This tiny orange ball entertained him for quite some time as he rolled it down the driveway about a million times.

Until, he fell straight on his face and scraped his little nose. I couldn't get a close up of the injury as it was too traumatic for picture taking.
Daniel loves his new vacuum cleaner we got him a week ago. It's love or he'll do anything to get out of speech therapy.
He's doing well in it, no big updates just a couple of new signs, juice and light. He does say "uuu" for number two and "eeee" for number three. He's learned "ooo" for the letter O and "E" for...well...E, that's about it. I'm still working on my patience with all of this. It's a slow process and anyone that knows me knows I want instant results.
His therapist assures us he will TALK just when he's ready. I just don't get it, he knows all the numbers up to 10, ask him any number...really I'm not kidding, he also knows over half the letters of the alphabet. I always tell everyone he'll write a novel soon before he talks and the first sentence of his book will read "My mom drives me nuts trying to make me talk, I think it's overrated and I have nothing to say..."
Saturday night I went to my friend's B-Day party (no pics, sorry). It was a great time. I left the men at home and enjoyed dancing, pizza and great company. Happy Birthday DEE!!Sunday after Daniel's therapy we hit the road to look for apartments and homes. I'm going to see an apartment next week but I'm still hopeful we'll find a home soon and won't have to rent. Althought, the inventory out there says otherwise. There is a lot of patience I have to be working on this month. Someone throw me a bone!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Me, my guy and Nat King Cole
I love romantic evenings with my favorite guy. Today he was especially clingy to me. He followed me everywhere ALL day and was so cuddly it just made me want to capture our special moment together. He's a mama's boy alright! Don't you just love these times with your little one?!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Final clue
OK, final clue.
A quote: "Size matters not"
We never did go to that Halloween party on Friday, the weather was bad and we found out we sold the house so I was a bit out of it.
The inspection was today and it felt like a whirlwind. There was a total of 12 people at the house. Since the buyers are first time buyers they brought both sets of parents, the agent, the inspector and the buyer's sibling, it was NUTS. We don't know the results but it seemed like there were no huge red flags. We have radon machines set up in the basement and family room. D is very intrigued with one and I'm betting it lands on the floor soon and messes up the test.
To add to the drama I landed at the doctors today because for the past 3 weeks I've had a sore throat that won't go away. Long story short I'm on antibiotics. Why does everything happen at once?! If we get the go ahead from the inspection we will be on a apartment hunt and house hunt at the same time. With the holidays approaching it's just a little much.
Sorry no pics today, I need to get some sleep.
A quote: "Size matters not"
We never did go to that Halloween party on Friday, the weather was bad and we found out we sold the house so I was a bit out of it.
The inspection was today and it felt like a whirlwind. There was a total of 12 people at the house. Since the buyers are first time buyers they brought both sets of parents, the agent, the inspector and the buyer's sibling, it was NUTS. We don't know the results but it seemed like there were no huge red flags. We have radon machines set up in the basement and family room. D is very intrigued with one and I'm betting it lands on the floor soon and messes up the test.
To add to the drama I landed at the doctors today because for the past 3 weeks I've had a sore throat that won't go away. Long story short I'm on antibiotics. Why does everything happen at once?! If we get the go ahead from the inspection we will be on a apartment hunt and house hunt at the same time. With the holidays approaching it's just a little much.
Sorry no pics today, I need to get some sleep.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Big Weekend Update!
Well, it has been an interesting weekend, to say the least. On Friday we sold our house!! We still have to have an inspection (happening tomorrow) and appraisal but we found buyers and our closing is November 20th. We negotiated to be out by Dec 1st at no charge. I guess I won't be hosting Thanksgiving after all. I had the menu all picked out! Someone better step up to the plate because I will need some turkey.

Last week we had buyers but the deal didn't go through and this week another couple came and we got another contract. We're excited, scared, happy, scared, delighted, scared. Did I mention scared? As much as we wanted to sell our home, it's bittersweet because Daniel was born in this house and this is all he knows but at the same time we know better things are waiting for us including a better commute for Ry. We won't necessarily be going bigger just a different layout in a good neighborhood with good schools. It all happened so fast that panic has not set in yet. This time of year is not the best time to buy either so as we ventured out for some house hunting on Saturday we quickly realized we will most likely be renting until that perfect house comes along. We don't want to settle for just an OK house since this move will hopefully be for a good while.
Yesterday to put our worries on hold we went to the pumpkin farm. Even though it was breezy we had a good time. Ry's parents came with us and we all realized how much easier it was with a 7 month old last year vs. a 18 month old this year. D had a mind of his own, wondered aimlessly and we had to run after him. Overall he had a good time. Here are some pics. D doesn't smile when told so we had to do tricks still.
He fell asleep in the car on the way there and it took him 20 minutes, a cereal bar and some water to get him going.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Goodbye and Hello
It is with great pleasure that I announce Daniel has a new show that he loves more than Yo Gabba Gabba. We have about had it with DJ Lance and his orange spandex suit, annoying voice, stupid characters and down right ridiculous story lines. Don't get me wrong there is nothing better than that orange guy entertaining D at noon as we're trying to shove veggies in his mouth before nap time. He is still mesmerized by him, BUT what has my little guy smiling from ear to ear for an entire 30 minutes....WONDER PETS!
It's a cute little show with a hamster, duck and turtle that go on rescue missions. They sing a lot and are super cute. Daniel especially loves the Duck, who in every episode says "This is serious" in the cutest voice and D just cracks up every time.
We took him to Toys R Us and pointed out the characters but let's face it, nothing about a battery operated plush animal looks the same as on TV.
This evening after his bath we enjoyed 30 minutes of relaxation because we realized the show comes on at 7:30pm. He typically gets feisty after a bath and it's a pain trying to entertain him for 30 minutes as we try hard to push his bed time to 8pm.
He did not move from his chair at all, just adjusted once in a while.

This evening after his bath we enjoyed 30 minutes of relaxation because we realized the show comes on at 7:30pm. He typically gets feisty after a bath and it's a pain trying to entertain him for 30 minutes as we try hard to push his bed time to 8pm.
He did not move from his chair at all, just adjusted once in a while.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Costume clue #3
It's Tuesday again and we only have one more clue after this one to Daniel's costume.
We have a Halloween party this Friday so it will be so hard for me to take tons of pics and not be able to post them afterwards.
I might make this week the final clue and reveal it after the Park District party this Friday night just because I'm not feeling creative anymore, haha.
Ok, here it is. If you look closely you can see "something" behind the green. 

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Weekend Recap!
The weekend has gone by fast, don't they all?! We didn't do much and I regret to inform that the pumpkin farm was a bust because of the cold weather. We just didn't think 38 degrees would be much fun walking around with a toddler.
On Saturday Daniel got his third haircut and it was quite different from the first and second time we went. He refused to sit in the car chair, the only way we could cut his hair was sitting in my lap.
A few screaming fits when the buzzer came out
but it was over quickly
did I mention that daddy got his haircut as well? Daddy was in much need of a trim and I convinced him to do it together with D
Daniel was more interested in the cars (AFTER his haircut) than paying attention to daddy

but after it was done my two men looked oh so handsome
Later on we went over to my sister's house for dinner and some fun. Daniel enjoyed listening to his cousin play the cello
They pushed some cars around,

terrorized the dog,
and Lexi and her friend. Doesn't he look like he's saying "ughghgh girls!"
and sported their winter hats together
Nothing much more exciting to report! We've been a little inconvenienced with a couple of house showings but we found an escape to the local Toys R Us. Hope you had a great weekend.
On Saturday Daniel got his third haircut and it was quite different from the first and second time we went. He refused to sit in the car chair, the only way we could cut his hair was sitting in my lap.
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