A list of highlights of what D is up to these days:
1. Walks like a madman
2. Plays really well by himself with his toys
3. Loves the TV buttons and must love time out since that is where he ends up after he pushes the buttons.
4. Loves to climb on everything, sofa, toys, everything!
5. Gives the best kisses, although the best ones are for daddy
6. Shares his cup and paci with mommy
7. Currently has a black eye from running into the living room table
8. Loves touching everyone's hair
9. Laughs when you smell his feet and say "phewwww"
10. Loves being outside, stands at the top of the stairs stumping his feet to go outside every morning
11. LOVES Ralph's World videos. He's going to his first concert on June 19th to see...who else Ralph's World
12. He could eat tubs of yogurt
13. At about 7:40pm he gets so delirious that he runs around the kitchen and is so happy but within 5 minutes of that he can't stand up straight
14. He loves rolling the ball back and forth with someone, he tries to dribble the ball by slapping it
15. He can put most of the shapes into their respective holes all by himself
16. He loves the park and the young ladies that visit it
17. He is obsessed with our family room fan
18. He is not liking his high chair lately and is climbing out of it
19. He loves juice and since mommy doesn't give him much when he does have it he will sit there sipping it until it's gone
20. Loves his puffs aka cheerios
21. Looks best in blue colors
22. Still doesn't "talk" which is driving mommy nuts
23. Has a very laid back personality up until he wants something bad
24. Loves watching bugs including the aunts that have infested our back yard
25. Goes by D, chicken little, snuggle butt, peanut and wiggle worm
26. Loves the 8 silly monkeys book and slaps the person reading the book on the head on each page when monkey falls down and bumps his head
He's a miracle sent from above and every morning and night I am thankful for a healthy, happy and beautiful baby
Oh that canine tooth I was telling you about, they are actually MOLARS! Why is my baby growing up so fast?!
Here is a pic from my cell phone as I was rushing out the door for work this morning. Can you tell he has my lipstick on his upper lip? hehehe